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Thread: Should I add 2.5 lbs or 5 lbs a week to my squat on TM?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Default Should I add 2.5 lbs or 5 lbs a week to my squat on TM?

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hello! I'm female, 22 yo, 66 inches, 128 lbs. I've been doing TM for just about 2 weeks now and am planning to squat 165 lbs x 5 reps on my upcoming intensity day. If I added 5 lbs to my squat every week for the next 6 months, I would be squatting 285 lbs for 5 reps (or 3 if I switched to the "female" version of TM at some point). Now, maybe I just don't have enough faith in myself, but I don't see that as very realistic. If I add 2.5 lbs every week, I will be squatting 225 lbs for a 3/5 rep max in 6 months. That actually sounds feasible to me. The progress is much slower this route, but if it prevents stalls and prolongs the amount of time for which the program is useful to me, then I would like to go this route. The PPST3 also has an example female log where 2.5 lbs are added weekly to the squat -- is this suggested? In what increments have other females added weight to their squats weekly? Thanks!
    Last edited by pancit_poop; 01-25-2017 at 05:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Should I add 2.5 lbs or 5 lbs a week to my squat on TM?

    I'm female, 27, on TM and doing 2.5 lbs/week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Vancouver, BC


    How long have you been on SS and what are your squats at now?
    Or a better question: are you not able to add 5 lbs per squat workout anymore? A 165 lb squat seems like you should still be doing SS even as a female.
    Are you eating and resting enough?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Polishdude brings up something I forgot to mention. Were you loading your LP squats by 2.5 lbs?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    Do you plan on gaining bodyweight?

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