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Thread: Will's Strength Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas

    Default Will's Strength Training Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 155lbs
    Age: 29
    Squat: 360x3 Personal Record (current)
    Bench: 325x1 Personal Record (current 1 rep max of about 290ish)
    Deadlift: 405x1 Personal Record (current 1 rep max of about 370)
    Power Clean: 230x1 Personal Record (current)
    Press: 185x1 Personal Record (current 1 rep max of 170ish)

    Current Program: Texas Method
    Additional Training Goals: Sprinting, Acceleration, Weight to Power Ratio for Olympic sport of Skeleton

    Additional Factors in Training: Current Active Duty Army Officer
    Last edited by Will Morris; 10-01-2010 at 04:03 PM. Reason: added age to stats

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    I used the Starting Strength program while I was deployed, up until March of this year. I switched recently to the Texas Method because I thought it would set me up for a better performance at a national combine test. I'm kicking around the idea of going back to starting strength and resetting my weight due to recently peaking. I will post my workout #s after I hit the gym in an hour or two.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Heavy Day in the gym today:

    Warm-up sets of progressively heavier weight and reduced reps (4 sets)

    Squats: 325lbs x5 reps x 1 set
    Bench: 270lbs x 1 rep x 1 set
    Power Cleans: 185lbs x 5 reps x 3 sets

    Body weight = 155 lbs today

    All weights went up really easy today. This reset came at just the right time. Today did a lot to get my confidence back again after peaking two weeks ago and suffering the post-peak recovery period.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England


    Hello, and welcome. That's a serious bench press you got on you.

    Any reason you're doing sets of 5 power cleans? A lot of people prefer 5 sets of 3 reps there.

    Anyway, good luck with your training.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Yeah, my bad, that is a typo. I did 5 sets of 3 on power clean.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Volume day today:

    Clean and Jerk: 2x5x45, 1x5x85, 1x3x105, 1x2x135, 10 singles of 160 (90 seconds in between singles)

    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x5x115, 1x3x175, 1x2x235, 5x5x295

    Press: 2x5x45, 1x5x85, 1x3x105, 1x2x120, 3x5x135 (only did 3 sets due to doing clean and jerk earlier)

    Deadlift: 2x5x135, 1x3x205, 1x2x280, 1x5x335

    Dips (unweighted): 3x15

    Barbell Curls: 3x8x85

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Light / Recovery Day today:

    Power Snatch: 10 singles 110.....still trying to get the form down on these. I am bringing the weight out and up rather than bringing the weight up close to my body. I'll probably do some very light reps of these throughout the next couple of weeks until I am really comfortable with my form and technique.

    Squats: 2 sets of 5 at 235lbs....these felt really good today. I'm still fatigued from Monday's workout but my quads, hamstrings, and groin feels a lot better after doing these.

    Bench Press: 3 sets of 5 @ 205lbs.....these were far too easy. I may have underestimated my current bench press #s when I calculated my working sets off of a 290 max. My next bench workout has me trying a 2RM at 270 and I could probably get 4-5 reps right now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Heavy day in the gym today:

    330 lbs for 1 set of 5 squats

    165lbs for a 1RM press

    190lbs for 5 sets of 3 power cleans

    205lbs for 3 sets of 5 front squats

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Volume day:

    Clean and jerk: 10 singles of 170lbs

    Squat: 300lbs for 5 sets of 5

    Bench Press: 235lbs for 5 sets of 5

    Deadlift: 365lbs for 5 reps

    Front Squats: 135lbs for 2 sets of 5

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas

    Default Light / Recovery Day

    starting strength coach development program
    Power Snatch: 10 singles 115

    Squat: 2 sets of 5 @ 245lbs

    Press: 3 sets of 5 @ 135lbs

    Front Squat: 3 sets of 5 @ 225lbs (personal record)

    Chinups: 3 sets of 15 reps (bodyweight)

    Overhead Tricep Extension: 3 sets of 8 @ 115lb dumbbell

    My power snatches are coming along. I spent a good amount of time studying the video Rip posted a while back, and I have used my warm-ups to really focus on form. I still have a little bit of work to do with keeping myself from rowing the weight as opposed to using the triple extension.

    Squats felt heavy, but by the time I finished my second set, my legs felt good and warmed-up. I should be ready to hit my heavy day on Friday.

    The presses were a little light, but I'm sure they will start getting really heavy in a few weeks.

    The front squats were added today because of jackassery going on in the gym. The dudes in the power rack next to me were banging the hell out of the bar on the safety bars with 135lbs. So, to make my point known, I threw 225 on the bar and did sets of 5 front squats going down until my ass touched my calves. The front squats weren't excessively heavy, so I could probably go up to about 250.

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