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Thread: Squat and Deadlift form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Squat and Deadlift form check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hello to everyone,

    First I would like to introduce myself. I am 33 years old 6’ and my bodyweight is 95kg. Today I am very happy because I did a new PR in squat, which is the same as my bodyweight, so I thought it is time for a form check as the weight was really heavy.

    I know it's from the floor but i hope it will help a bit.

    Today I also did a PR in deadlift too. 112.5Kg but unfortunately my camera run out of battery so I could not film the working set. I recorded a warm-up set at 75kg. I hope it will help you judge my deadlift set-up.

    Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    You overextend your spine a little, but otherwise your squat looks fine

    Quote Originally Posted by DimDimak View Post
    Today I am very happy because I did a new PR in squat, which is the same as my bodyweight, so I thought it is time for a form check as the weight was really heavy.
    While I congratulate you on your PR, we need to more properly define "really heavy." 95 kg is not really heavy, especially not for a young, healthy male. Aim higher. Also, you are wearing a belt and knee sleeves at 95 kg. If you have a bad back and injured knees, do what you need to do, but I suspect this is not the case. I recommend reserving these pieces of equipment for when things get heavier and you can more fully appreciate them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Thanks Tom for you time to watch my videos, I really appreciate it.
    The problem I have with the squat is that I do not know if I hip drive correct. Do you think I am ok on that part? As for little overextend is it a problem I should worry about?
    For the matter of belt and sleeves, I usually do not wear a belt so I will follow your advice and save it for later. However I use the sleeves to keep my knees warm because I had an accident a few years ago and help me feel better.

    Any advice about my deadlift or the weight is too low to critique my form?

    Thanks for your time and the precious aid you give to all of us.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Overextension of the spine is potentially injurious and may interfere with driving the hips. Tighten down with your abs and don't let your spine move while you squat. I didn't watch your warmup on deads. Work sets are more worthwhile.

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