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Thread: SQ form check- following older videos...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default SQ form check- following older videos...

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi again coaches,
    You helped me in this thread considering the volume days:

    I know you agree intensity days are not enough to evaluate technique but I am having major issues(created moment arms at every rep, back goes to hell) while my volume days are quite solid.

    I am handling 85% of the intensity day's RM3 weight on volume day, still not feeling it's hard as fuck to be honest on volume days(recovering within 48 hours)
    *I used to suck at chins(sets of 4-5) so I started doing them twice a week(the end of intensity day and recovery day) and am now doing sets of 9-10 across(wanna get to 13-15)
    *on volume days I am always doing powercleans successfully

    In this set my right knee popped after the first rep and I had some slight discomfort/mild pain, this too my attention:
    - Are the chins fatiguing my upper back to the point it fucks my squat?
    - Am I going too deep here and losing tightness?
    - Should I focus on chest up rather than drive my ass?
    - Is the weight just too fucking heavy?(already managed 10lbs more, using the old- look in the mirror- shit technique)

    * I am lifting 32.5KG more than this RM3 for 5 reps in the deadlift with a straight back.(can take a video if you wanna asses it also)
    Here is the SQ:

    Really need your advice, should I keep going up in weights?
    Am afraid the gap between v-day and I-day would be too small, again v-days are not that hard yet, it just seems I am sucking on RM3's.

    Weak David

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Dear WD,

    You are letting go just a little and allowing your upper back to round and the bar to roll forward. I have a similar problem when I get fatigued. Overall, these look decent for a heavy set of three. Add more weight. You may find that after a while, you need to go to heavy singles, a la Andy Baker. To help with your squat, don't try and catch quiet as much of a bounce and keep your chest up harder on the ascent.

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