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Thread: James Cavin's SS Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fayetteville, Arkansas

    Default JCavin's Anecdotal Goodness Added

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm 23, 5'11 and 200lbs even, atm.

    I actually started doing the SS workout a couple months ago, but I was forced to stop for a bit due to getting sick and then my wife and kid doing the same.

    I was following the program to a T and drinking a GOMAD. Unfortunately, when I was forced to stop lifting I kept drinking my GOMAD and eating like before. So, I think I put on some excess fat. Not to worry, though. The squats and DL will have me turning that into some good mass before too long, I hope.

    I'm back in the gym now and looking forward to getting bigger and stronger. I'm going to deload and start back at some low weight so I won't stall later.

    Here's my workout from 12/08/2009:
    Squats 3X5 135 (I expect these to go up fairly quickly)
    Press 3X5 100
    Deadlift 1X5 150 (I expect these to go up fairly quickly)
    Chins BWX6, 5, 4, 4

    Short term goals:
    - Squat my bodyweight X 5
    - DL 1.5 X bodyweight 5 times

    Long term goals:
    - Uhh...get stronger
    - Get bigger
    - Have sex with Beyonce Knowles
    Last edited by JCavin; 01-02-2010 at 09:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    You managed to drink gomad and gain weight while you were sick? Nice work. You will definately reap the benefits now that you're back on track...I bet your strength didn't go down that much either. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, Arkansas


    There was about a week or so that I wasn't able to drink much milk, but I resumed it as soon as I was able. I didn't get nearly as sick as my wife and 9 month old(I don't typically get really sick). After my last workout I don't think it will take long to get back to my previous weight.

    I seem to almost have a phobia of stalling, though. I know I can jump up a lot of weight quickly, but i'm reluctant to do so.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fayetteville, Arkansas



    Squat 145x3x5
    Bench 140x3x5
    Deadlift 160x1x5

    My deadlifts felt really good yesterday. I narrowed my stance a little, concentrated on pushing instead of pulling and it was really easy.

    Right now my biggest problem is getting to where I can squat as well as before. I seem to have lost that perfect spot that makes it so much easier(i.e. no hip drive, and I feel like i'm doing a standard leg press). I'm thinking that maybe my feet aren't wide enough and perhaps my toes aren't pointed out far enough. I'll have to study some videos and the book for tomorrow's workout.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by JCavin View Post
    concentrated on pushing instead of pulling and it was really easy.
    this really helps me, what were your numbers like before the break?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, Arkansas


    I don't have my workout book on me, but I have a general idea. These are all at 1 rep.

    Squats - 215 or so. That sounds right, but i'd have to check to be sure
    Deadlift - 260. I remember this because it was a big deal to me. It was also right after I started to feel like I was really getting the form down.
    Press - 120. Kinda weak, I know. I have small shoulders and chest.
    Bench - 190. Again, small chest.

    The only one i'm positive about is my deadlift. The rest seem fairly accurate.

    Not bad numbers for me. Weak for a lot of people, but until I started SS I had never done a squat or press in my life.

    I had been one of the typical gym guys that loved to do a body part each day and constantly tried to make my chest bigger. It never happened though, and I just chalked it up to genetics.

    When I started doing squats, though, my chest and shoulders, and everything else started growing.

    Looking back, I feel like I was an idiot. Squats>any other exercise possible. If only I had realized all the benefits sooner... Then again, if I had done squats the way everyone else did them I probably wouldn't have the virgin knees I have now.
    Last edited by JCavin; 12-23-2009 at 10:11 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, Arkansas


    I figured I would go ahead and post my eating plan for most days. I would appreciate any help you guys could give me with it. I want to make sure i'm getting enough protein and such.

    GOMAD - I drink 1 tall glass every 1-2 hours at work and at home.

    I typically have a large bowl of cereal as soon as I wake up for a good insulin spike first thing.

    For lunch I have whatever the detainees happen to fix that day. Today, for example, we had mashed potatoes and gravy with chicken fried steak. I had 2 of the steaks, 3 large scoops of potatoes and gravy.

    Dinner usually consists of lots of red meats. For example, last night I had 3 smoked pork chops and some cheesy "rice-o-roni" stuff. It was good.

    On top of that, I usually have at least 1 peanut butter sandwich on wheat during the day. I also drink 2-4 protein shakes, depending on how busy we are.

    What do you guys think? I'm sure i'm getting enough calories, but it's the protein i'm worried about it.

    I'm 5'11 and I weighed 203lbs yesterday before my workout.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, Arkansas



    Just got up an hour ago.

    I made 6 scrambled eggs loaded with sharp cheddar cheese, 3 full slices of bacon, and a tall glass of milk. I'm about to burst.

    Unfortunately, I only got around 6 hours of sleep last night, and even those 6 weren't straight through. My daughter woke up a couple times and I was having an allergy attack that made it hard to breathe.

    I will still be working out today, though. As much as i'd like to crawl back into bed, my legs just keep calling me a pussy.

    Oh, and my wife says i'm starting to get a gut. That's good, right? That means i'm eating like I should be.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Fayetteville, Arkansas



    Just got back from the gym. It went pretty well, imo.

    Squats 155x3x5
    Press 105x3x5
    Deadlift 175x1x5
    Chins BWx5,5,4

    My deadlifts felt great. The first rep at 175 was a shock initially, but the subsequent reps were easy as pie.

    My squats, on the other hand, weren't so easy. For some reason I had a hard time keeping to form on my first and third set at 155. The middle set was way easier. I think it is because I still haven't gotten the form down well enough. It could also be that I didn't regulate my rest periods very well. Or, maybe I just need to switch to 5lb increases.

    I'm not sure, tbh.

    Press was brutal on me today. I finished all sets, but I was mentally kicking myself in the vagina to make sure I did. We'll see how it goes next week.

    So on top of the breakfast I posted this morning, today i've had 3 peanut butter sandwiches, 1 gal of whole milk, 1 really disgusting detainee-made sausage hot dog, 4 pieces of whole wheat bread with some baked beans, and i'm about to have a load of rice with 2 pork chops. I'll probably have some more milk and a bowl of cereal before bed. I really, really don't want to do bad on squats next week.

    I should be okay though. I've got 3 days off for recovery.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fayetteville, Arkansas


    starting strength coach development program
    12/15/2009 - weighed in at 207lbs! Sweet. I'd like to be up to 215 within the next 3 weeks or so.

    Squats 165x3x5
    Bench 150x3x5
    Deadlift 190x1x5

    I think having the 3 days off made a huge difference in my recovery. I didn't have to work so I was able to sleep in a bit and I kept eating. When I worked out yesterday I felt really strong. I felt like I could have easily handled another 10-15 pounds on every lift, but I knew that would be a mistake.

    Squats - They are getting better. I feel like they are definitely closer to how I was doing them previously. I worked on my hip drive, stretch reflex, and making sure my knees didn't buckle. All my sets felt easy and I only had a couple problems while doing them. I had a couple reps where I wasn't standing up completely in time with finishing my hip drive. Other than that, they felt great.

    Bench press - Same ol' stuff. Felt light and easy.

    Deadlift - Felt really good. I was actually quite surprised at how easy they felt. I'll be doing 205 on my next workout and I hope I can continue the trend.
    Today's Breakfast - 4 fried eggs, 5 full slices of bacon, 4 pieces of toast w/ butter and a tall glass of milk.

    1 Gallon of milk.

    Some observations i've made since I restarted the SS program:
    - I now have bright purple stretch marks on my thighs near my sack. I was so proud of those that I stripped down naked and made my wife look at them. Oh yeah, I got her with the "Batwing" while I was at it.
    - My thighs have always been where I hold my fat. That hasn't changed. What has changed is that now my thighs are solid. Even the fatty areas are really firm. A coworker attempted to grab my thigh and squeeze it to put me in pain the other day. He gave up in frustration.
    - My wife says my ass sits really "high." Awesome.
    - I've had to buy all new jeans and I got 3 new pairs of BDU pants for work yesterday because it looked like my ass cheeks were starving...
    - I've still got a little gut goin', but I don't care. I'm getting bigger everywhere at the same time and that just lets me know i'm eating correctly.
    - My arms are getting big again.
    - I'm awesome.
    - I'm not used to being this heavy. It is really hard to put my shoes on or clip my toenails without running out of breath. I think it is probably because i'm always full.
    - It is also hard for me to breathe when I don't sit up straight in this chair. Damn this duty belt!
    - I'll most likely have to get a new duty belt and uniform shirts in the next week or two. Can't have buttons popping someone in the eye.

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