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Thread: kmv's log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default kmv's log

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    So I decided to start a log since I visit this forum 2, 3 times a day now. I started lifting because one day I realized that I go to the gym everyday but there is a huge section of it that I completely avoid, the area with all the lifting equipment. So I wanted to see what I was missing out on and started following some program I found on Later someone suggested I go on the SS program and so I did and now Ive been following it for 4 weeks.

    Im 22, in my last year of uni majoring in molecular biology. Although now I wish I went into kinesiology. Might take some Kin courses next term just for fun.

    So after 4 weeks here is where i stand:

    Squat: 90 pounds ( down from 110)
    Bench: 65 pounds ( been stuck on this for the last 3 bench days)
    Deadlift: 95 pounds ( down from 110)
    Press: 50 pounds
    Pendlay rows: 65 pounds

    So form right now is still a working progress for all of these exercises. Dont have the book, its on its way.

    My concerns right now are the bench, Ive been stuck on it for a while. I think this is normal, esp for a fem, progress is slower in this area. Im thinking of getting some fractional weights but I dont know where I can find some. Ive raised it to 70pounds twice, once w a spotter I managed 1 set, w no help. Once i tried it on my own n got stuck. Had to call someone to come n help me . So ever since then ive been worried about increasing the weight. Gonna go back to reading the little manual i found online for SS, at least until my copy gets here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Good luck with training and your log!

    A few things:

    If you have already reset your squat, be aware that it's possible to overdo the whole "I dropped some weight because my form wasn't perfect" thing. It's important to be safe, but deloads aren't the golden road to perfecting form. Lifting heavy stuff is.

    You're right about the bench - you need to start microloading. This is more difficult than just finding fractional plates, because bars and plates in your average gym tend to vary from what they are supposed to weigh. As a science major, this probably doesn't surprise you. You'll figure something out.

    Depending on the types of power rack you have, it is possible to bench in the rack with the spotter pins set so you can fail on a rep without strangling yourself. Next best thing is to bench without the clips holding the weights on, so you can dump the plates off. Especially if you're just dropping 10# plates!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Hi rhymer,
    This is quite useful advice, tx. I think i will start doing my benches in the power rack since I can adjust the pins and all that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Today I got some new protein. Damn those supplement store guys are intimidating. Grr.. I dont like to be pushed into buying things but that's what it seemed like was happening. Since I have relatively little knowledge about protein powder n brands I had no choice but to trust them. I ended up getting isoflex, vanilla. The first time i bought some was a brand called body fortress from walmart lol, it was cheap. It tasted alright, but im not sure what its supposed to taste like. So gonna give this isoflex a go and see. If anyone has recommendations for me please let me know. Tx

    No work out today bc the gym was closed! .. So im packing my stuff heading to toronto till monday. Hope everyones having a nice weekend!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by kmv View Post
    Today I got some new protein. Damn those supplement store guys are intimidating. Grr.. I dont like to be pushed into buying things but that's what it seemed like was happening. Since I have relatively little knowledge about protein powder n brands I had no choice but to trust them. I ended up getting isoflex, vanilla. The first time i bought some was a brand called body fortress from walmart lol, it was cheap. It tasted alright, but im not sure what its supposed to taste like. So gonna give this isoflex a go and see. If anyone has recommendations for me please let me know. Tx

    No work out today bc the gym was closed! .. So im packing my stuff heading to toronto till monday. Hope everyones having a nice weekend!
    Just make sure to read the ingredients on the protein, a lot of the more "flashy" ones are actually just loaded with sugar and caffeine. All the ones designed to be a powder milk-shake have some kind of sweetener in them if its not sugar then it'll be aspartame/aculesfame K or similar. You probably want to be aware of that. The ones labelled as "mass gainers" are usually loaded with low grade fat too. Also be careful with some of the really cheap ones, as the protein may be SOY based, nobody wants that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by kmv View Post
    Today I got some new protein. Damn those supplement store guys are intimidating. Grr.. I dont like to be pushed into buying things but that's what it seemed like was happening. Since I have relatively little knowledge about protein powder n brands I had no choice but to trust them. I ended up getting isoflex, vanilla. The first time i bought some was a brand called body fortress from walmart lol, it was cheap. It tasted alright, but im not sure what its supposed to taste like. So gonna give this isoflex a go and see. If anyone has recommendations for me please let me know. Tx
    That should be fine. Next time you buy protein power, go in and say "I want your cheapest whey protein powder." It'll be unflavored and it won't be fancy, but it doesn't have to be. They're all the same anyways. Some people are willing to spend the extra $10 for a flavored batch, but personally I'd rather just put up with the mediocre unflavored taste for the one protein shake I have per day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Welcome kmv! Looks like you're off to a good start and I'm looking forward to following your progress.

    Changing the increases to 2.5 lbs will be a big help to your bench press. Then be prepared to make jumps of 1 lb at some point. Pennies and duct tape can be used to make do-it-yourself fractional plates, or if you search on this site you'll find lots of other ideas.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Chicago, IL



    Somebody posted this link some time back.

    They are 1 1/4 lbs a pair. With 6 you can make 1 1/4, 2 1/2 and 3 3/4 LB jumps.

    Best of luck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Well Im back from my mini holiday. Today I went to a new gym and i was suprised to find the power rack hidden somewhere behind all the equipment. They had like 4 different bench presses though.

    Anyway thanks everyone for your advice. The new protein powder is amazing, I must have really been drinking the worst kind because this one tastes a million times better and it mixes really well. I went to Home Depot to look for some washers but they only had tiny ones, so tomorrow Im going to fastenal. I think its really time to get them b/c I'm stuck both on the press and the bench.

    Today's work out:

    Squat= 95 5/5/5
    Press = 50 4/4/5
    Rows = 65 5/5/4

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Keep up the good work buddy! As for the microplates I would suggest
    You'll need them especially for the press and the bench.

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