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Thread: Slowjoe's SS Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England

    Default Slowjoe's SS Training Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    I'm 41, slightly asthmatic, 6ft, 220lbs +/- 5.

    I've been an anaemic Crossfitter (strong, but tending to gas), and I'm going to give the Starting Strength program a go for a while, having been inspired by the 5/4/3/200 thread here.

    Entering, my lifts are as follows:
    D/L 407x5 / 462x1
    B/S: 330x5 / 374x1
    BP: 225x5
    SP: 148.5x3
    PC: 155x5 (pretty) 200x3 (ugly)

    Oh, and I may be trying to train for a 10k run at the same time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England


    Tonight's workout:

    Ran 5k in 29:30. Fairly easy, HR stayed below 165 the whole way until the last 600m, when I kicked to get in under 30min. Last 3 200m splits 65s, 59s, 40s.

    Warmup at gym:
    10xOHS with PVC
    10xback ext with 10kg plate on 45degree back ext machine
    15 k-chinups
    15 dips
    10xsquat snatch 20kg
    10xback ext with 10kg plate on 45degree back ext machine
    15 k-pullups
    15 dips


    Bench press
    50kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    90kg x 5 x 3

    Strict pullups

    Not sure about my starting weights. Went v conservative, simply because I've never done sets across before. Asking Rip about this in a thread at

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    You're a beast, I look forward to following your log!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    A lot of strong cross fit guys that switched over to SS have done incredible things (read BCS's log e.g.). Look forward to following your progress.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England


    Thanks for the kind words, guys. Don't let the deadlift fool you though. The presses are pretty weak sauce.

    No pressure being compared to BCS though, huh? Now THAT'S a beast.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England


    Workout 2010-8-14 Friday

    Tom 8-10 1-9
    Lamry 9-7 6-9 7-9

    60 x 5
    100 x 5
    135 x 5 x 3

    60 x 5 x 3

    Strict chinups:
    8, 6

    Presses felt really heavy. Was scolding myself for being too ambitious and getting stuck first set. Muscled through them, but 50:50 whether I need to go micro plates straight away on OHP. No press warmups because gym was closing shortly.

    On another note, gym had installed new racks yesterday. Had 1 set of 0.5kg plates, as well.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England

    Default Home Pullup Bar + Dynamic Bench notes

    I've bought a pullup bar and stuck it in a doorway at home. Bought a bag and two of the climbing chalk-balls as well. Current plan is to do multiple sets of strict pullups and chins on a day off/day on basis. Load will increase by one rep a week. Yesterday was day on. Starting with sets of 3.

    Also, started looking into something Rip talks about in the intermediate section of PP. He mentions a technique that Westside/Louie Simmons use called "Dynamic Effort". I tracked down a youtube video on this at and the following is the text embedded in the video

    Speed Benching

    How we set up
    1. For speed benching you are going to need some relatively low tension bands. We use Jump Stretch mini or monster mini bands. The mini bands can provide about 20-25lbs of tension each at the top of the movement. The monster mini bands provide slightly more.

    2. We pass the band once under a dumbbell heavy enough not to be lifted off the floor at any point during the movement.

    3. You will then have two loops, which you pass over the end of the bar. Depending on the rack/bench you're using, you can leave the bands just inside or just outside the sleeve.

    We'll only discuss here what makes dynamic benching distinct from conventional benching.

    Dynamic benching is a fast movement. We are working in a different region of the force-velocity curve to conventional strength training.

    The most important part of dynamic benching is that in spite of the band tension the bar must accelerate upwards throughout the whole movement.

    There is a huge difference between dynamic training and light training. Despite the lower weight, you should be exerting the same amount of force on the bar as you would doing a 1RM. This is what leads to the high bar speed.

    You cannot exert maximal force against a truly light weight. For dynamic work you will usually be working at about 60-70% of your 1RM. The best way to make sure you are using the correct wieght is to have your training partner make sure the bar accelerates through the movement.

    Dynamic benching is always performed for triples. The speed of the movement should be such that these 3 reps last about the same length of time as one max effort bench would.


    Do not pause when you bench. In a well trained athlete the stretch reflex lasts approximately 2 seconds, easily long enough to get the 'press' command in a powerlifting meet.

    A static contraction at the chest, such as occurs when you pause a bench press, will only serve to lessen the stretch reflex at that point.

    Go for the opposite of a pause. Pull the bar towards you as quickly as possible. As it approaches you push up against it as hard as possible, timed such that it just barely touches your chest before quickly accelerating upwards. The bar does not bounce off your chest. It should just make contact as you reverse its direction.

    The virtual loading effect caused by having to reverse the speed of the bar so dramatically has a far greater effect in developing your starting speed than a pause will.

    Dynamic benching is usually done with a variety of different hand spacings. These should all be inside your competition grip. This serves to emphasise rate of force development in your tricpets, and avoid overly stressing your shoulders.

    by: Matt Llewellyn-Jones.
    Not actually going to use this yet, but good to have the notes available, I think.
    Last edited by slowjoe; 08-15-2010 at 07:04 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England

    Default The Masterplan

    Following on from Rip's feedback at, I've decided to record the program I'm going to follow. Of course, a plan rarely survives first contact with the enemy, so it's probably best to write it now, before the enemy sabotages it. And I really wish I could see where fit power cleans in

    5/4/3/2 by New Year for reps!

    CFWarmup with OHS
    Back squat 3 sets of 5 + 2.5kg (after today, when I step up 5kg to 140).
    Bench Press/Press alternating 3 sets of 5.
    Strict Pullups (3 sets to target. When all three sets complete, increase target. Target currently 7)

    CFWarmup with Squat snatch
    Back squat 10 sets of 2 starting at 85kg, increasing 2.5 kg per week.
    Press/BP alternating 3 sets of 5.
    DL 1 set of 5 starting at 165kg + 5kg

    Back squat 3 sets of 5 + 2.5kg
    Bench Press/Press alternating 3 sets of 5.
    Strict Chinups (3 sets to target. When all three sets complete, increase target. Target currently 7)

    If I want to get to 5/4/3/2 for reps by New Year, then some math is required. There are 18 training weeks left.

    500lb = 227.5kg
    400lb = 182.5kg
    300lb = 136.5kg
    200lb = 91kg

    Deadlifts: from 165 to 227.5 = 62.5 kg. 62.5/18 = 3.47kg. I need to go up 5kg/week for most of the period, backing off to 2.5kg/week after 7 weeks (at 200x5x1).

    Squats: from 140 to 182.5 = 42.5. 42.5/18 = 2.36kg. I'm planning 5kg/week to start, but I can back off right from the start.

    Bench: from 90 to 136.5 = 46.5. 46.5/18 = 2.58. But since I'm doing 3 wod/2 week, I need to go up 5kg/2 week. Will start with 2.5kg/wod, aiming to sustain this to 120kg.
    Press: from 60 to 91 = 31. 31/18 = 1.72kg/week. Will start with 1.25kg/wod.

    Of course, it's likely that I won't be able to sustain this, but what the heck, let's give it a go.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England

    Default Workout 2010-8-16 Monday

    3x1200m[12' total]
    2 reps under 6min, one rep over. Concentrated on short, rapid strides, using hamstrings to lift legs/power run. Interested to see how this works with squats.

    Warmup at gym:
    10xOHS with 20kg barbell
    10xback ext with 15kg plate on 45degree back ext machine
    16 k-chinups
    16 dips
    10xOHS with 30kg barbell
    10xback ext with 15kg plate on 45degree back ext machine
    16 k-pullups
    16 dips (good job there wasn't a judge on the last rep.)

    Someone was doing bicep curls in the squat rack.
    I asked "Many sets left?"
    He replied "What are you doing?"
    I said "Squats".
    He said "I'll move over there."
    I said "Thanks."

    40 x 5
    60 x 5
    100 x 5
    140 x 5 x 3
    Reread the Squat chapter in SS. Not sure if I'm doing low or high bar squats. Tried to move the bar further down the back. There seems to be lump of muscle just below where I used to keep it. Still seem to "Good morning" rep 4 of every set. Bar speed pretty good though. Probably a fair amount left in the tank. Still get slightly intimidated getting under the bar for a second or third time. Much more used to one work set and done.

    Bench press:
    20kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    92.5kg x 5 x 3
    Didn't bother getting a lift off the rack. Last rep is still ever so slow, but I guess that's standard.

    Strick pullups:
    3 (wider grip. Dumb experiment.)
    Obviously not happy about this.

    Moving towards eating a little bit more. Probably managed a gallon of milk today, but that's not necessarily a standard I'm holding myself too.

    Slept AWFUL last night. Hit the sack around 1am, didn't feel like I slept till 6 or so. Grabbed 1/2 an hour before going out for the workout tonight. Probably smart.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England

    Default Rest day: Tuesday 2010-8-17

    starting strength coach development program
    A bunch of sets of 3 pullups at home.

    5 x 30s skipping with 30s rest.

    Was pretty clumsy with the skipping, and I think the last set might have upset my shin splints in the right leg. Crossing fingers it hasn't.

    Skipping is such a great exercise, in the sense it really hits lower leg strength and explosiveness. The goal is 20 consecutive double-unders. I tend to do a cycle of 4 double-foot skips/2 left foot hops/two right foot hops, and try to keep the heel from making contact with the ground. Back around Christmas, I was skipping 2 minutes on/1 minute off. But I need to be very careful loading both length and reps. Next time, start at 4 reps, and add one on consecutive healthy days.

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