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Thread: hip drive

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default hip drive

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    I (think) I learned Squat and Deadlift by reading SS.

    Here ( you teach about the “hip drive”. You say that it is ok (for novices) when the angle of the back changes a little (becomes more parallel to the floor). You say that this will stop when we put the bar on the shoulders.

    I squat for more than 3 years and I still do it. I get criticized at the gym for doing this. I am VERY good at lifting the butt first, then the chest to follow. I know I exaggerate it when I get tired and the weight feels heavy. But I feel like I am cheating. I feel like the shoulders/bar stays on the same level, while I lift the butt, so that the legs rise without lifting any weight really. And then the lower back has to do all the work (like a good morning exercise). It seems I have a very strong back ( my deadlift 5RM is 50% more than my squat 5RM) and weaker quads.

    Can you help me clear this out?

    I watch this video and frankly I feel that the first set, the one without hip drive is the ideal one:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I feel that you are wrong about the last video. I can't see your squat form from here, so I cannot say whether you are merely incorrect with your post alone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    I'll try sometime to get a video of my form and get your advice. But my question is more theoretical. Please bear with me.

    I read the SS, first edition, pages 124-125 (deadlift section):
    When the weight gets heavy, it is common for the bar to come away from your shins before it even leaves the floor.
    In this situation, the muscles that extend your knees, i.e. your quadriceps, have done so, but have not moved any weight while doing so. In opening the knee angle unloaded they have avoided participating in the lift and placed the entire job on your hip extensors, which now have more to do since they must move through more angle to get into extension.

    But isn't this exactly what happens with the Squat too, at the initial phase (hip drive), IF the hips move up, while the bar stays at the same level?

    We would need to watch a video and measure the vertical distance traveled by the hips and compare it to the vertical distance traveled by the bar. The more the hips travel (compared to the bar), the less the quads contribute to the exercise, the more the hip extensors have to work.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    We do not teach a "goodmorning" style squat, at all. I feel as though you are mistaken here.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    But isn't this exactly what happens with the Squat too, at the initial phase (hip drive), IF the hips move up, while the bar stays at the same level?
    Yes, hence p. 18 of BBT, which says "Good = Hips and shoulders rise at same pace. Bad = Hips rise faster than shoulders." I think this is pretty clear. A very slight change in back angle will sometimes occur during the rebound out of the hole. It only becomes a problem when the bar moves forward of the midfoot.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    I did not say you teach "goodmorning" squat.

    The instructions in the SS book, cleared so many of the misconceptions I heard at the gym that rendered the Squat next to impossible (ie, upright back, knees behind the toes).

    I am just trying to understand the "hip drive" better. I do not understand how much lifting of the hips is desired and why. If I just send you a video (unfortunately I do not have a good camera) and you approve my form, I will still not comprehend it. I was hopping you would clear this for me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    I feel as though you have failed to read the many pages already written on this board regarding this. I feel strongly that I have already clarified my position.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    ooops! You are right about this.

    I neglected to search the site for related answers. Will do right now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    I feel as though you may become one of the more difficult posters here. Just a feeling...

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