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Thread: Bad shoulder pain from doing squats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Bad shoulder pain from doing squats

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    Dear Coach,

    I got back to training three weeks ago after I could not workout for about six weeks. Even though I was on texas routine for a while I switched to the novice routine you suggested in PPST2. I thought I was able to make linear progress as I had to back off weight due to the break. Everything was going nicely, I added 5 lbs to my squat every workout. But after a couple of workouts I started noticing a light pain in my left shoulder while squatting. I just thought it to be some adaption process I could work through but it got worse. A week ago the squats became so painful I had to skip them. The pain during exercise is feels like I sorta dislocated my shoulder a bit, but it's hard to describe, it feels rather dull (if this is a legit attribute to use for pain). Right after the workout the shoulder feels inflammed (the front side is burning).

    So I did not squat for a week now (only doing a couple of front squats), I'm stretching with a broomstick behind my neck and I'm taking 800mg Ibuprofen a day (last week the pain was so bad I had trouble sleeping and moving my arm). The other exercises are okay. Press, Bench, Chins, Power Cleans, Deadlifts, everything is painfree.

    I used the search function and I found out I'm not the only one who suffered from this, but I found no advice on rehab. Is there anything I can do specifically for my shoulder? Should I try every workout to do squats, even if they hurt (just did three sets today)? Or is this something I have to sit out?

    Maybe I have to mention that I'm squatting for a couple of years now and I never had a problem like this before.

    Your help is very much appreciated as my workout without squats really do suck and I would love to get back on doing them asap.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Have you adjusted your grip width?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009


    FWIW the only thing that helped for me when this happened was laying off from the squats for a while, then widening grip.

    After using a wide grip for 3-4 months, I tried a closer grip for the first time yesterday and surprise, surprise - 1.5-2 inches in on both sides.

    I also heartily recommend a viscous massage of the upper back, it instantly helped my shoulder flexibility.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Daniel's Jack,

    Is the pain completely local or does it refer elsewhere (arm, wrist, hand, back of shoulder, etc)?

    You might have some "trigger points" in the muscles of the neck, shoulder, or upper arm.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    As the pain got worse I widened my grip, that made it better and bearable for a few sessions. Last week even trying to grip a racked bar with hands so wide out I touched the plates was painful.

    Today I did a few sets with a wide grip (wider than bench grip) and ramped up to light work weight (180 lbs) for one set of five. The pain during the set was not as bad as before but afterwards it came back for a couple of seconds. Should I just continue to do so and my shoulder will eventually adjust? It really got better in the last few days. On friday even trying to rack the unloaded bar was painful, not to even think of doing an actual squat.

    Is this just a reaction to getting back to training or does this usually occur when something specifically is done wrong?

    Thanks for your help!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    It's probably time for a diagnosis of the injury.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Tsypkin View Post
    Daniel's Jack,

    Is the pain completely local or does it refer elsewhere (arm, wrist, hand, back of shoulder, etc)?

    You might have some "trigger points" in the muscles of the neck, shoulder, or upper arm.
    My upper back, just left from the spine and slightly beneath the scapula, is a bit sore. That is all I notice by now. There is no pain when I pinch the shoulder.

    Mark, you say I should go and see a doc? I would have to wait at least three weeks until I'm back home to do so. Just a little bit sceptical as my experiences with physiologists are not that good. Anyway, I keep on trying whatever is possible without too much pain and if it's not going away i schedule a meeting with a doc.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    North Texas


    I didn't say anything about a doctor or a physiologist (where do you live where physiologists are licensed to practice?). I just said a diagnosis. Might be that an intelligent therapist would be your best option.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    PDX, OR, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Might be that an intelligent therapist would be your best option.
    I would advise against this. Therapists (I'm assuming Rip means a physical therapist here, although feel free to consult a psychiatrist if you think it may be psychogenic) lack the clinical experience or training, as far as I know, to diagnose things. Their bailiwick is treatment.

  10. #10
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    North Texas


    starting strength coach development program
    I'd say that most are more competent to diagnose than primary-level physicians. But as far as treatment is concerned, most of them are not capable of treating their way of of a paper sack.

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