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Thread: Sunday eating?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ft Worth, Texas

    Default Sunday eating?

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    For someone who lifts on MWF, is it really necessary to eat big on Sunday? I reckon that if 72 hours is enough to recover during the week, then it should be no different for the weekend - thus making 5000 calories or whatever unnecessary for just Sunday. But just to make sure, what do you guys usually do? I'm curious if it has any effect on Monday's workout to just keep it down to 3000 calories or so for the day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I eat extra on days I am not training, both because I have more spare time and because I need the food to feel mentally prepared to lift.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Just a couple of things:

    1) If an extra recovery day wasn't needed, it probably wouldn't be included in the program.
    2) If you are really set on taking a day off from eating big, why would you do it the day before a workout? I might be wrong, but I would think the most important days to get in a lot of food would be the day of any workout, and the day before any workout. So on a MWF schedule that would leave Saturday open for pussification.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    If you finish your workout at, say, 2 PM on Friday, then, 48 hours later, it will be Sunday 2 PM. 24 hours later, a total of 72 hours since your last workout, it will be Monday, 2 PM, and you will have finished Monday's workout around that time. So I don't see why you'd think eating big on Sunday would be not worth it.

    And still, even after 72 hours, there's a possibility that you might not be fully recovered. Personally, I want the food on Sunday to prepare me for Monday's workout too, not just for recovery from the last session.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    I trained on Friday and it's now Monday and I definitely don't feel recovered. It's not usually like this, it's only a relatively new thing. I feel sore and beat to hell for some reason.

    Eat more people.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Sami View Post
    Eat more people.
    or more food.
    people eating is not for everyone

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Looking for an out....

    This is the reason people stay small, don't reach their goals, etc. Until you're just getting fat, more is better all the time. Eat more as long as your strength keeps increasing, then diet off some slop, and start over again. The fact that you're thinking in this direction shows that you may need to re asses your understanding of proper eating for weight gain....good luck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Saint Paul, MN


    Quote Originally Posted by Nauticus View Post
    For someone who lifts on MWF, is it really necessary to eat big on Sunday? I reckon that if 72 hours is enough to recover during the week, then it should be no different for the weekend - thus making 5000 calories or whatever unnecessary for just Sunday. But just to make sure, what do you guys usually do? I'm curious if it has any effect on Monday's workout to just keep it down to 3000 calories or so for the day.
    Why the fuck would you want to eat less? Find yourself a sporting event on TV, sit down, gorge. Since you are not cutting consider the following items: Beer, Pizza, tacos, a bowl of red, sausages of all sorts, ribs, other bbq, chocolate milk, milkshakes...


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    for MWF training, I'd say maybe scale back on GOMAD, and cut out other simple carbs.

    Aim for same level of protein as your other rest days.

    I know it feels like you're overeating on Sunday, esp when you haven't trained since Friday..

    However you still need to load up on food for Monday's workout.

    I'm a chronic undereater and if I dont rfemind myself to eat. I'd eat 2 meals a day and lots of soda..

    I've done this a few Sundays.. and suffered a lot on my workouts on Monday, because I just felt I didn't have the energy.

    I like to go for a Swim on Sunday though, it gets my appetite up.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    glycogen loading.... I would keep the diet the same, and just cut back on the milk for the day as well as a portion of the simple carbs, just like above poster said. if you are just relaxing on Sunday, you won't need the caloric boost that GOMAD provides because you aren't burning anywhere near the cals you would on workout days, especially if you work your job on your workout days.

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