Yesterday I noticed a couple things that seemed to make my press more efficient, but I can't tell if it's "cheating" or not.
1.) Focusing on really powering through the first 1/3 of the press seems to help create more momentum on the bar to help with lockout. That part isn't cheating I'm sure.
2.) Right before the initial push off the shoulders, it seems like I have a little room to create a little bit of a "spring" or a "bounce" similar to the bounce out of the bottom of the squat. I don't know if this is the same kind of stretch reflex that makes the bounce in the squat work. Has anybody else noticed this? I'm not doing anything with the hips or knees. Maybe it's because my shoulders/triceps are a little tight.
gotcha. thanks.
what does rip mean by applying a little bit of hip drive to initiate the press by leaning back slightly? he doesn't seem to elaborate there.
page 164 in SS2E: "Leaning back is a problem that gets worse as the weight gets heavier. Virtually everybody will do this after a few weeks of training as strength improves and you learn that the bar can be started from the shoulders with a hip drive. This movement becomes an important part of the lift as you gain experience, and is only a problem if it becomes excessive...."
Here is a video where Rip explains the hip drive in a press.