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I started TM at 51, now approaching 53.
Same advice, don't start too high. You'll run out of room quickly.
Also found that progress continued on ID lifts while running VD at about 80-85% on squats. I was evenutally unable to complete VD at 90%. Other lifts were at 90% ish.
Ended up moving DL to the middle workout as they were stalling after ID Squats. Just too much effort in one day.
It did catch up on me eventually (about a year) as the ID's were getting to the point where injuries were starting to accumulate.
ID lifts also suffered if the previous days hadn't been almost perfect in terms of sleeping and eating.
Now do a lot more volume and only occasionally testing my limits rather than very week. This also allows some "real life" to be accommodated, without killing progress.
Start with the basic template for TM and see how you progress before making changes. Just remember you aren't 25 anymore and keep focusing on making progress, and don't kick yourself if you miss ID lifts occasionally.