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Thread: Thanks coach, its not all about strength

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Scottsdale AZ

    Default Thanks coach, its not all about strength

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    Hopefully this testimonial won't come across as bloggy. Quick background:

    I grew up living and breathing soccer. Anyone who played at a somewhat high club level knows its training three times a week and tournaments or games all weekend. Then it was time to make a decision about college, and I was 18 and stupid and had no idea what I really wanted. So I went to the local party school and even though I played at the local CC while enrolled at the uni, my career was effectively over. This was a big problem, because all the sudden I had no energy outlet, lots of time on my hands, and really no responsibility. It was a bad situation that got worse as I realized that I missed playing and I didn't like school. I stopped exercising, put on about 60 pounds (180 to 240ish) and the worst part of all, I developed a slight case of depression which also led to bouts of anxiety. The docs tried to prescribe me some of Xanax, but I took it once and said no thanks. Anyone who has dealt with anxiety knows it can handcuff you at times. Over the years, the anxiety manifested itself in several ways, most recently in the form of IBS. I wouldn't wish IBS on my worst enemy.

    I discovered SS via a poker forum which shall remain unnamed. This particular forum has lots of very smart individuals, and we know typically smart individuals tend to filter to the same conclusions. They all recommended SS so in 2010 I started, but IDDTP. Fast forward to about 3 or 4 months ago, I was fed up with myself, so I re-read the book and committed myself to the program. No excuses, just hard work. And then something happened to me. The bouts of anxiety became less frequent. My mood started to stabilize. The urges that come along with IBS became less frequent. And as I got stronger and stronger, I started to feel normal again. I didn't get the paralyzing fear that I might not be near a bathroom in time. My stomach stopped being so unsettled after I eat or when I am in a car. I just feel free.

    I'm not saying that SS is the solution for everyone when it comes to IBS and anxiety, but getting strong and working hard was the solution for me. All the other bullshit in the world doesn't really matter when you have a couple hundred pounds on your back. There are days when I'm miserable about coming to work but I still have a fat fucking smile on my face because although I don't always know how I'm going to get there, I know that I'm going somewhere. I feel like I can pick the world up with my bare hands. And that would have never been possible without discovering this place. As Sully would say, that is big medicine.

    Thanks for listening.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Good to have you back amongst the living. Carry on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Waverly, IA


    For all that SS has done for me, it has yet to make a dent in my anxiety or depression. If anything, it has worsened over the past several months due to increased job anxiety. Who knows, maybe I would have fallen off the cliff already if I HADN'T been lifting heavy three times a week.

    I'm glad that it helped for you though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Perhaps there is a non-psychological reason for you to be worried about your job that being stronger cannot help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Waverly, IA


    There are certainly external sources (or source) of my job anxiety, but the anxiety itself is in my own brain. I wish I could be as strong mentally as I am slowly becoming physically. It's an ongoing goal of exploring lifestyle changes to try and accomplish that. Getting physically stronger is easy. 1. Go to gym. 2. Grab heavy weight. 3. Lift heavy weight. And I love every second of it.

    So I think it's true. Even though I struggle with depression, I can't imagine where I'd be if I didn't have my lifting days to look forward to.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Provo, Utah


    starting strength coach development program
    I am sorry about your depression. I have seen it with close friends and I know what a struggle it is. Keep working out--I have seen it help many, many people feel better.


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