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Thread: Starr Rehab for Squats-does this look correct?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Default Starr Rehab for Squats-does this look correct?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I have a lower back muscle pull, that has been bothering me since early March.
    I've done two days of the Starr rehab protocol and it's already starting to feel better...does this look correct?

    1st 2nd 3rd set lbs
    Day 1 25x 45 45 45
    Day 2 25x 45 45 55
    Day 3 25x 45 55 65
    Day 4 25x 55 65 75
    Day 5 25x 65 75 85
    Day 6 25x 75 85 95
    Day 7 25x 85 95 105
    Day 8 25x 95 105 115
    Day 9 25x 105 115 125
    Day 10 15x 115 125 135
    Day 11 15x 125 135 145
    Day 12 15x 135 145 155
    Day 13 15x 145 155 165
    Day 14 15x 155 165 175
    Day 15 10x 165 175 185
    Day 16 10x 175 185 195
    Day 17 10x 185 195 205
    Day 18 10x 195 205 210
    Day 19 10x 205 210 225
    Sorry about the formatting...I'm bad at html

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Squats and deadlifts. Hurts going up stairs and bending over the sink.
    A few weeks ago I squatted 4,3,3 @330lbs

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Not at all. I just figure they'll tell me to stop lifting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    Take a listen to this podcast. It helped me feel better about pulling a muscle in my back and lifting my way through it. Basically, squats were held at my working weight for a few workouts and deadlifts were deloaded dramatically and worked back up. I was pretty early in my LP too.

    SS Channel Episode 8

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    I guess I'll move to a faster increase, like:

    Day 3 25x 55 55 55
    Day 4 25x 65 65 65
    Day 5 25x 75 75 75
    Day 6 25x 85 85 85
    Day 7 25x 95 95 95
    Day 8 25x 105 105 105
    Day 9 25x 115 115 115
    Day 10 15x 125 125 125
    Day 11 15x 135 135 135
    Day 12 15x 145 145 145
    Day 13 15x 155 155 155
    Day 14 15x 165 165 165

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