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Thread: Squat Vid - Knee & Groin Pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Montgomery, TX

    Question Squat Vid - Knee & Groin Pain

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Looking for any feedback (note: video was not taken purposefully to upload here so may not be ideal)...Dealing with two issues that are possibly related, and may be form related, but dang it I feel like I've really worked hard to get my squat right.

    Me: 38 | 6'2" 230# | Sq: 365, DL: 385, BP: 226, OHP: 147

    Summary of questions: when do you know it's time to take some time off, is there anything obviously wrong that can be viewed in my squat, understanding of relation of knee to foot angle and stance width.

    Worked up to 315# squat (end January), but started was noticing right knee pain (popping, patella not seeming to track properly, frequent soreness). Able to warm up and squat with proper form and pain was not there. Went to see Andy Baker and fixed bar position (too high) causing chest cave, focusing on chest up and lumbar extension, and had some knee slide at bottom as bar was getting forward of midfoot. He also noticed I'm a little longer in torso and we discussed how that affects back angle. Reset and made a nice run from 275 to 365 moving from LP into a Heavy/Medium/Heavy squat schedule then going to 1 Heavy work set with two 90-95% sets. Could tell the work was accumulating (knee still sore, never really got better, general stuff) and decided to just take some time to "exercise" the squat working at 315 with varying rep schemes. Video below is 315 x 5 (3rd set). Q: Anything obvious there that would create an issue?

    I also notice this: I have no problem shoving my knees way out, without bar or with light weights can easily get down into 3rd world type deep squat all way to ground, I "feel" like there is torsion being generated across my knee like shoving my knee out is able to cause knee to track further to outside of foot. New gym I just joined is great, but has concrete floors which area little slick and it feels like my right foot even turns out slightly. Played around with stance width (little wider with toes near 30 and more narrow with toes near 45 degrees) and knee felt about same each way. Also have some side and back video of each, and nothing looked out of place. Q: Has anyone observed this type of torsion applied across the knee? Would it cause this type of problem over time? Given continual knee issues, is it time to take some time off from squatting?

    Currently, I was running Starr protocol as I slightly tweaked a left adductor, but even at light weights, knee is sore. Perhaps related to knee issue above, last year I also had low grade strain in right adductor. Probably took too much time off before I found the rehab protocol, went ahead and ran it and hadn't had any issues until recently as weights started getting heavier. Q: Does this sound indicative of scar tissue from previous injury? Is it possible to have a chronic inflammation issue here vs. a strain / tear? Going to look into ART/myofacial release, seem reasonable or something else to consider?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    To be honest, those are probably some of the best looking squats that have ever been posted here. Quite literally textbook, from what I can see. You may have a meniscus issue, such as a partial tear or fraying, which lots of folks get as they inhabit our imperfectly constructed bodies. Squatting might bother that. I would consider getting a diagnosis since I am really just some jackass on the Internet. If I turn out to be right, lemme know so I can continue to inflate my resume as a Remote Healer and Psychic™. It is possible to drive your knees out too much in the squat. A video from behind would show that more clearly. If your adductor is not hurting, I would not worry too much about it. There is very little chance that some scar tissue in your adductor would cause your knee to pop, although knee pain can be exacerbated by soft tissue issues above and below. If I had to guess, I would say your previous adductor injury has little to do with your current knee pain.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Montgomery, TX


    Tom, been at youth camp for a week so hadn't had a chance to reply, but thanks so much for your time and input.

    I think that has been the most frustrating part is I worked really hard and got good help to get my squat right and my knee issue didn't go away and finally got a bit worse. Doctor didn't think meniscus issue as I've had no swelling so will run full ibuprofen regimen for a week and see how it goes.

    Also agree don't think adductor and knee are related unless there's some imbalance trying to avoid any knee pain, but will be getting them worked on and see if that fixes the issue...then load up the bar and work back up to where I was.

    One last question, if shoving knees out too far (and I'll check that when I get back to squatting with rear video), is there a fix?

    Thanks again!
    Last edited by byrd_aaron99; 06-21-2016 at 12:14 PM.

  4. #4
    BlackCoffee Guest


    I like how on seconds :04-:08 you move to the lyrics of the song.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by byrd_aaron99 View Post
    One last question, if shoving knees out too far (and I'll check that when I get back to squatting with rear video), is there a fix?
    There is a fix and you will be impressed with the cue. Wait for it... Knees in. However, I don't necessarily believe that is your problem. Play with it, however.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Montgomery, TX


    Excellent advice...people should pay you for such simple, yet effective direction!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by byrd_aaron99 View Post
    Excellent advice...people should pay you for such simple, yet effective direction!
    I know! The wisdom I dispense here is valuable indeed.

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