How much weight have you gained in the last 7 months?
Hi everyone, I've been doing SS for over 7months now and I'm almost at my limit where even the idea of heading to the gym has become a grind, so I feel like I'm ready to move on. I switchd to light days on my 2nd workout day and 1x5 with backoff sets at 90% for squats on the other two days but I don't think I can take it anymore. I was thinking of doing a program based more on physique goals because I haven't had much improvement other then increasing my weight and lifts and looking a bit bigger. I have had a lot of praises from friends but I feel like working at max intensity is going to kill me in a few more weeks. So I need some help and motivation thanks.
Age 20
Sex Male
Weight 63kg
height 5'3
Squat 102.5kgx5
Bench press 70kgx5(Don't like it)
Deadlift 125kgx5
Press 55kgx5
Chinups BWx12
General description of training history: Did calisthenics in the past. Been lifting for 8 months.
Any special diet and whether you are currently gaining or losing weight: Trying to bulk but don't like feeling bloated in general.
Major goals and concerns (If you are trying to do anything other than get stronger in the five barbell lifts above this is particularly important.): I was thinking of hitting some big numbers and improving my physique. But since I have more interest in calisthenics I'll probably transition back into it after I hit some lifting goals in the next few years.
How much weight have you gained in the last 7 months?
You aren't eating nearly enough
I went from 50kg to 63kg.
I know, I'm a poor eater
All were done for 3 sets of 5 for 3 days a week since 4/11. I did a deload due to not hitting depth. That's been fixed mostly after posting a few form checks.
Read this:
The First Three Questions | Mark Rippetoe
You're making 5- and 10-kg jumps between some sessions and you're not eating enough to recover. That's 2 of the 3 questions. I don't know how much you're resting between sets, but I suspect that's not enough either.
Yes I have. But I feel like just moving on now to something more volume and less intensity oriented.
I normally make 2.5kg jumps. I wasnt hitting depth at 95kg. So I dropped to about 65kg and made 5kg jumps since the weights were easier. I rest around 5mins during sets and eat around 300-400 above maintenance calories (not enough I know ).
How is something more volume oriented going to improve your physique if you don't gain weight? It'll feel easier for a bit and you'll be doing extra work for likely no reason since you can't gain muscle if you're not gaining weight.
Let's be honest here, you're a midget. You're never going to weigh 200 pounds and if you did you'd be genuinely obese. I know people around your height (or taller I think actually) that fill out the 72kg weight class quite nicely. You can stand to gain some more weight, but I doubt you'll ever even hit 80kg without being fat. And that's just fine.
As far as your programming goes, yeah it's probably time to switch it up. You're just not a very big human, I wouldn't expect you to squat 200kg in your first year (and at your weight, that would be pretty close to a WR). Hell, even repping 3 plates would be a stretch. Not everyone gets to rep 4 plates doing a linear progression 6 months afters starting (very few actually) and it's okay to be one of those people. You're in some very good company.
There a plenty of intermediate and longer term programs out there. The many variations of TM, Andy Baker as a bajillion different variations on Heavy/Medium/Light, Jordan has his free intermediate program or The Bridge. Just go pick one that takes your fancy.