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Thread: Trying to minimize injury and get myself right

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Trying to minimize injury and get myself right

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I've decided to come to the SS forums to escape the insanity that is happening in the Crossfit Forums. A lot of my online buddies are getting banned by the koolaid drinkers, and I'd much rather come here to post.

    Quick bio: 30/m 5'9" 175-180ish lbs. Coming off a foot injury, before that I had a major muscle pull in my upper back and neck area, before that I hurt my hip flexor. I really am just trying to stay healthy so that I can train consistently for fuck's sake.

    Previous PR's (not really relevant to current times because of lack of consistent training): 1RM Back Squat: 360lb, 5RM Back Squat: 300lb, 5RM Press: 100lb, 1RM Press: 120lb, 5RM Bench: 195lb.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Squat: 45x5x2, 95x5, 135x5, 165x3, 195x5x3
    Press: 33x5, 45x5, 55x3, 75x5x3
    Front Squat Rack Position Walkouts: 135lb x 10 seconds x 5

    This workout was yesterday, and it felt great. Today, however, my levator scapula is feeling a little funny... which worries me because I significantly hurt this muscle in the Winter and it put me out of training for awhile. I'm going to massage, ice, and heat this. I'm not quite sure what causes this. When I back squat, it's really hard for me to keep my hands close-in and open up my chest... and when I try to do the front squat rack position, everything is a struggle. So, it could be either of those. I will back off with the Front Squat shenanigans for a bit.

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