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Thread: Skinny to fat... Still weak

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Default Skinny to fat... Still weak

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Hi Jordan
    I spent the past week reading through the last 100 pages of threads on your forum and somehow I'm still unsure what to do in my situation. I gained a lot of weight but I'm still weak by SS standards due to NDTFP, poor recovery, and poor genetics.

    I had trained on and off for years without ever achieving much, and anyway lost it all before starting a new LP in May.

    33 year old male, 5"7
    May --> today:
    BW from 125lb to 176lb
    Squat from 110 to 264 (lots of resets because of form, muscle tweaks, poor recovery)
    DL from 88 to 297
    Press from 55 to 114
    BP from 82 to 156

    Presses are still moving up 1-2lbs each workout but I will have soon juiced out all I could from LP on lower body lifts.

    I'm currently targeting a daily intake of 4600-4700 cals but compliance is very tough and frequently I end up around 4000. It took months for my stomach to adjust so I didn't enjoy the rapid strength gains of the early LP, in other words IDTFP until summer.

    I want to get strong as fast as possible, but I'm already borderline ridiculously fat (waist is 40 inches measured at the belly button. Since my chest is still small I basically look like I'm pregnant). Should I keep aiming for rapid weight gains (say ~2lbs per week as I've been targeting until now) until I reach decent # on my lifts and a BW of 190ish? Or is the fat accumulation not productive anymore at this point? I would feel bad messing up with my LP on presses while it's still going on nicely. On the other hand I will need to shed the fat at some point...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Hey there,

    I can appreciate the difficulties you're having and sorry you're having such a rough go of it.

    A few questions:

    Have you seen a coach? Ever gotten your testosterone levels checked?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2016


    Aww thanks Jordan. It's not all that bad, I've been making good progress, it's just been a bit slower than your average 19 year old viking.

    There is unfortunately no coach in this part of the world but I've got some forms checks on the forum and it looks decent.

    Regarding test, I don't think it would hurt at my age to have a look. What else would you recommend having checked? I've also had terrible sleep since a teenager but I don't think science is yet able to give me a quick fix for this.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I would get a total testosterone, tsh, prolactin, and CBC to see if there's anything abnormal that would benefit from treatment.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    You should try and attend a camp or even a seminar. I suspect your poor progress may be due to issues with form, which can be fixed by seeing a coach. The new online coaching seems intriguing, although I have not tried it yet.

    Good luck.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    I would get a total testosterone, tsh, prolactin, and CBC to see if there's anything abnormal that would benefit from treatment.
    Alright doc. Stupid question but what kind of specialist should I see about this? I barely trust my generalist to diagnose me with the flu, let alone to interpret complex blood tests.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by kanahan View Post
    Alright doc. Stupid question but what kind of specialist should I see about this? I barely trust my generalist to diagnose me with the flu, let alone to interpret complex blood tests.

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    That's unfortunate, as a good relationship with your primary care doc is definitely needed to suss this out. I would try and find a generalist who you have good rapport with, express your concerns, and request this laboratory investigation.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2016


    Thanks Jordan. This might take a while because of the holidays so in the meantime I'll take myself to a cool 180lbs to get them levers ain't it!

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Rota, Spain


    starting strength coach development program
    Your programming might also be an issue since the novice progress runs dry after a few months even if you do it wrong. I was in a similar situation when I did my LP on an aircraft carrier my sleep and diet was far from ideal, and my lifts stopped around where yours are currently. Eventually Andy Bakers HLM template saved the day since Texas Method was way to much stress and 5/3/1 wasn't enough.

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