I Injured my right knee in a soccer game three weeks ago. MRI shows partial MCL tear and medial meniscus tear. The knee ballooned up like a cartoon for quite a while and is still swollen. First sports medicine doctor thought surgery, but was overruled in favor of physical therapy. Most immediate problem is poor range of motion. After swelling started, range of motion was only about 20 degrees. Now, after considerable work and many different approaches to stretching, it is up to about 65 degrees range of motion. Doctors and physical therapists don't seem clear on why it won't bend - could be MCL, meniscus, swelling, tight muscles according to them. I've been able to Press, Bench Press (with legs in less than ideal position), and do Chins, but can't bend the knee anywhere near enough to Squat, Deadlift, or Power Clean. At this point, I think I might be able to bend the knee enough to do Stiff-legged Deadlifts and Barbell Rows (neither of which I have experience with) until the range of motion improves enough to squat and deadlift again. Any thoughts on whether this is a good idea or any alternative suggestions?