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Thread: TM Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default TM Advice

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Good evening Andy,

    I have been doing the HLM setup for squats for around 22 weeks now. I have been able to add weight each week to the heavy day, each time for 5x5 (except for 2 weeks where I took one week off and then repeated the previous week's weights). The squats are starting to get hard but I have a sneaking suspicion that they are not getting enough work rather than getting too much work. I believe this is so because this last week, I had my first exposure to heavy triples on the press and it made my volume day weights feel much lighter on Monday and, overall, I don't usually feel knee achiness or thigh fatigue, mostly only lower back fatigue. My weights are also very low and at my age, I should have no problem increasing the weight week to week in my current stage of advancement. Here are my stats:

    age 22
    6 ft 1.5 inch
    225 lbs (I am planning to gain to some more weight over the next few years, first up to 245, then up to 278 in order compete in the 275 class.
    Squat 280x5x5
    SLDL 330x5x3

    I do heavy 5x5 squats on Monday and, on Wednesdays do 3x5 SLDL using the independent sets (though with more bent knees than in a usual SLDL. I can set my back better this way and can do more volume).

    What do you think about this plan? Next week, VD for squats will be 245x5x5 and ID will be 285x5 (the weight I was going to do 5x5). This is a bit more of a relief for the first few weeks than transitioning from a 3x5 LP weight but I have no doubt the Texas Method will start to be hard very soon. Should I do a heavier ID or VD to start off with?

    Also, my second question related to this is, If I do the Texas Method, is it alright to keep my heavy SLDL on Wednesday? Given your experience, do you feel like this will be too much work for my lower back? Over the past 22 weeks, although I have been getting heavier and heavier in my weights for the SLDL, some weeks have felt relatively light and some have felt heavy. There has been no general trend of it only feeling heavier and heavier. My last week was relatively easy. I have fairly long arms and using the independent sets, I can just grind out progress week after week, even if I miss some reps, since I can just put the barbell down (as opposed to squats, where if you miss a rep, you have unload and reload the bar, taking time and energy away from your next set or perhaps not even attempt the rep at all, even though you could have done it).

    I am not a program hopper so before I commit to something, I would prefer an informed opinion so I am not wasting my time.

    Thank you so much for your help Andy!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    If SLDLs become a problem then just move to Mon or Fri. I don't know if they will affect you adversely or not. You have been doing this set up for 22 weeks so you are pretty well adapted to it. If you were just starting them I'd say to move them to Mon or Fri.

    Volume day might be just a touch light. For a 285 5RM, I'm thinking 255-265 for VD.

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