Welcome to the board. You have one fuck of a deadlift.
Bodyweight: 200. Used to do strongman. Now doing PL.
Squat 365 5x5
Press 180 3x5
Dumbbell row 120 3x12
Squat 295 2x5
Bench 135 3x5
Pullups bwx5, bw+60 3x3, bwx5
Squat 390x5
Bench 255 5x3
3.5" deficit deadlift 575x1 (PR, easy, had at least 10 lbs in the tank)
Speed deadlifts 335 5x2
Squat 370 5x5
Press 210x1 (PR, hard), 135 2x5
dumbbell row 120x20
pullups 2 sets to failure
Then training got screwed up because of the holiday, but I'll be back at it tomorrow.
Last edited by KyleMask; 08-16-2012 at 05:12 PM.
Welcome to the board. You have one fuck of a deadlift.
Squat 395x5
bench 265x3,3,3,3,5
deadlift w/ 140 lbs band tension at top - 225x2, 315x2, 405x1, 455x1, 485x1 (harder than I wanted. Only wanted something moderately heavy here and I had to grind way too much.)
Had a stomach bug today. Happy just to make it through the workout without crapping my pants or spewing. I have been working the banded deadlifts (the short bands you stand on) as one of my deadlift variations for about half a year. However, I find they are impossible to consistently load. Sometimes I can do 510+ bands and sometimes only 465+ bands, despite my pull w/ straight weight being no weaker. For that reason, I put the bands in the garbage can today after the workout. Next Friday's workout should be fun: 400x5 squat and 580 deficit deadlift are planned.
Squat 380 5x5
Press 200x3 (failed 4th)
db row 120 2x15
Squats felt great today. By the time I got around to pressing, only the 55lb squat bar was available. Since I hate pressing that thing, I just loaded 200 on it and saw how many reps I could do.
Squat 400x5
3.5" Deficit Deadlift 580x1 (PR)
Speed Deadlifts 335 5x2
Bench press 275 5x3
Happy to get the Squat and deadlift I was aiming for on a day where I definitely wasn't on top of my game. Usually I can pull about 40 lbs more from the ground than from this deficit, so I'd estimate my deadlift at 620 right now.
Squat 385 5x5
Press 190 3x3
db row 120 2x15
Squats were damn tough tonight.
12/15 light recovery day
squat 225 2x5
bench 135 3x5
pullups bwx5, bw+60 3x4, bwx5
Pullups felt the best they've ever felt at any bodyweight. My legs felt like dried poo, though. Hopefully they can recover adequately for Saturday's workout.
Squat 405x5
Bench 285 3x3
Speed pulls 315 5x2
Felt good today.
Last edited by KyleMask; 08-16-2012 at 05:13 PM.