Before you look to assistance lifts how is your technique? Do you get solid heel drive? I found once I fixed some things technique wise I became much stronger off the chest.
Before you look to assistance lifts how is your technique? Do you get solid heel drive? I found once I fixed some things technique wise I became much stronger off the chest.
I found that fixing my technique and waves of benching with a good 3 second pause to really help with power off the chest. You won't be able to use your current numbers but it works wonders.
Upping my volume drastically increased my bench around 100lbs. My weakness was exactly as you describe.
I'll try to get more heel drive...but I don't think it'll help much since it's steadily been going down for awhile now. I've been pause benching but I don't think I've been doing it long enough now to make a difference.
Hat, when you rest at the bottom, are you tight or do you completely relax?
Patty cake bench press should help.
I've been doing lots of heavy barbell and dumbbell rows to help off the bottom. I think some dynamic effort work helps too. Like others have said, paused presses and using leg drive will help as well.
Bench in the rack off the pins from the bottom position. Do the full motion one day. On a different day, put on more weight than you can bench, and do a 'bench start', holding the bar above your chest for a few seconds. Sets of 3, probably. Once you've added about 20+ lbs to the weights you start with for these, it should transfer to your normal bench.