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Thread: Crossfit question -- is Crossfit a "gym?"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Boston, MA

    Default Is Crossfit a traditional gym?

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    Currently I work out at a Gold's Gym. They don't have bumper plates or olympic bars. They didn't like it when I tried power cleans either. It's considered to have a "bounce" and be a "dangerous" movement. I'm fine with this for now - it's their policy but I'm looking elsewhere.

    I just found out there is a Crossfit gym nearby. It looks like they have bumper plates and good olympic bars for PCs. Does anyone know if Crossfit is the kind of place I can just walk in and do my SS workouts?

    Based on what I read about the local CF, it almost looks like everything is group oriented and revolves around a specific workout of the day. It's also discussed as a "lifestyle". But can I just go there and do my own thing? I just wanna do SS and use their bumper plates with my headphones on and be in my own linear progression world.

    The other stuff they do sounds fairly interesting but I just want to focus on building strength, or "specializing" in strength for now. Maybe in a year I'll consider their other stuff.

    Does anyone have any experience with a Crossfit gym? Is it the kind of place I can walk in, do my workout, and leave?

    Reason I am asking is because of the following excerpt from the website:

    First things first – the only way to begin your training at Quad City CrossFit is with an INTRO session. These are by appointment only – call us to schedule at (563-370-7467)

    Our INTRO session is a complimentary one-on-one training session during which you’ll get a chance to learn a lot more about our program and actually experience a CrossFit workout for yourself. It is by appointment only and is a prerequisite for taking a class. It’s purpose is to help us serve you better by getting to know your goals and expectations, fitness level, and experience. After your INTRO, you can choose one of several membership options that give you access to our group fitness program and classes.

    Note how "our program", "group fitness", and "classes" are emphasized. I just wanna do my own thing. I have a program.

    Obviously, I am going to call them but wanted to know if anyone here had any additional insight. The equipment looks just like what I want without a lot of fancy isolation machine fluff. They even let you use chalk! I just am not sure about if it's going let me stay on SS.

    Thanks for your time.
    Last edited by vikvik20; 06-12-2011 at 08:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Milan Indiana


    It depends on the crossfit affiliate I have been to some CF affiliates that have an open gym and some that are strictly Workout of the Day "WOD" places. Your best bet would be call and ask. Some of them possibly all im not for sure have on ramp classes that you have to go through to be allowed to participate in any activity in the gym.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Bay Area, CA


    From my experience near where I live, it seems like almost all CrossFit-affiliated gyms require you to participate in CrossFit. The only exceptions I've seen are a local rock climbing gym chain, which are primarily climbing gyms but two of them also host CrossFit and thus also have bumpers and what not.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    SF, CA


    heh heh. the short answer is "no you can't use their stuff that way".

    The longer answer is call them and ask. Some CF affiliates operate withing a gym or also operate as a general purpose gym, but most (at least in my area and my readings) are dedicated to CF coached group workout activities and to personal training. Note also that CF tends to command premium prices in the 100 - 250/mo range

    Surprised to hear that Gold's doesn't allow PCs. Did you get that from a mgr of some sort or other credible source?
    Last edited by veryhrm; 06-12-2011 at 08:38 PM. Reason: stray not

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Boston, MA


    It completely depends on the affiliate. My old CF gym's owner understood that "CrossFit" doesn't fit into everybody's goals and allowed for an open gym rate that was far below the rate for taking classes, but another local CF gym told me I could do my own thing between classes, but I'd still have to pay the full rate (225/mo) No thx.

    So, good just got to call and ask.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Boston, MA


    Everyone - thanks for your responses. I appreciate it.

    Yep, I'm definitely going to call but at least with the above insight I know which very specific questions I can ask.

    It's too bad -- I really like Gold's for various reasons: no emphasis on group activity, the power rack and squat rack are ALWAYS empty when I'm there, actually the weight room is generally empty I can even get a bench when I want, and it's cheap.

    The PC thing was because I was dropping the weights after the rack. I can understand their concern so I subbed PC with barbell rows + chins (for now) from the SS chapter on accessory lifts. For PC, the formal put-down of the weight irritates my elbow tendinitis. I'd probably be willing to pay around $100.00/month to do what I want, which is around $8.30 per workout hehe. And also the possibility of doing different things down the line.
    Last edited by vikvik20; 06-12-2011 at 09:22 PM.

  7. #7


    That was a really long post for such a simple question.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by vleon1012 View Post
    The PC thing was because I was dropping the weights after the rack. I can understand their concern
    Oh good, glad you can understand their concern about dropping iron plates.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Boston, MA


    Quote Originally Posted by mstrofbass View Post
    Oh good, glad you can understand their concern about dropping iron plates.
    Well, in my defense, they're the thick rubber coated iron plates - but not bumper plates. And I didn't argue the issue. Also, it's a short controlled drop and there's rarely anyone around me - but it was loud. It's not like I'm dropping plates near the leg extension machine!
    Last edited by vikvik20; 06-12-2011 at 09:59 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    If you're willing to spend $100 a month just to PC, could you just buy a bar and some bumpers and go find a flat bit of ground and do them there, and do everything else at the gym.

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