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Thread: My right lower side and left upper side is broken...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default My right lower side and left upper side is broken...

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I keep ammassing small niggling injuries and its beginning to really piss me off!

    My long term issues are a subluxation, impingement and inflammation prone left shoulder which is aggrevated by my tiny shoulders which refuse to grow and my massively dominant chesticles which going from big to bigger even though I gave up benching a good while ago.

    A right knee in which I tore a ligament about 1 1/2 years ago around the time I started training. I have rehabbed the knee the best I can, doctors say it has healed but it has never felt the same. I have had chronic hamstring tendonitis in that leg ever since.

    About 2 months ago I sprained my left wrist, so I havent been able to pwerclean since then. And have only been able to train with the aid of heavy boxing wrap to hold wrist straight.

    This weekend I went on a campin holiday. Hiked up some hills/cliffs and ran a bit on beaches. I come back with a strained right achilles tendon!


    I was really getting into the groove with my current program, with my atg olympic (I did due to hamstring & shoulder issues) squats getting tantalizingly close to my low bar numbers.

    Now Im stuck again. I dont think its a good idea to squat till the ankle is fully healed because I dont want it to become a full rupture/long term problem like my wrist. It is getting harder and harder to program around my injuries, as soon as I pick up pace, falling into the groove and getting strong through one method, I hit a wall through injury. It is really killing my motivation.

    I am hoping the achilles will get better easily, I would be very pissed if it becomes a serious injury. I am very annoyed at having to take a break in training right now.

    If anyone has some suggestions on how to treat a sort of achilles strain, rest vs training etc. Please advise. I am thinking of trying a deadlift focused programme like pavels russian bear because deadlifts seem possible with a dodgy achilles. But Would much rather be continuing with my squats which were going great.

    I could take a wildcard of total rest from actual lifting. Possibly doing high rep leg curls (like starr rehab) to help improve my ongoing issues like the hamstring tendonitis. And focus on non-barbell goals like pull ups till everything feels better.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Baltimore, Md


    Have you consulted with a doctor? A properly treated wrist sprain shouldn't take you out of being able to lift for 8 weeks.

    The shoulder problem can probably be fixed with the right p/rehab stuff. Sounds like you might need to do some pulling to even out with that huge chest of yours.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    which direction do you sublux in?
    possible muscle imbalances, shoulder capsule restrictions, poor recruitment of shoulder girdle, and loose ligaments.

    any direct hamstring work? quads may be over powering hamstrings causing your tendonitis which if i would have read a little more i would have seen that.
    are you prone to sprains?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    It is spetember 2010 now, I injured my right knee in February 2009.

    I finally managed to get a 2nd opinion on my MRI and it turns out that my cruciate ligaments are fucked.
    The doc said from the image he would assume that both cruciates are damgaged beyond function as there was barely any trace of them in the image. Yet because my knee is still holding itself together he says there must be some functioning element of them left.

    If I have any problems I need reconcstruction surgery! If I go for it, Ill definetely choose the self-graft method over a cadaver. But I will be doing my best to avoid it.

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