starting strength gym
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Thread: The big, hairy asian's log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default The big, hairy asian's log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Decided to start a log here so I'd quit forgetting how much weight I did previous session, makes progress confusing some times.

    I started doing SS back in July after a 6 week layoff. Before that I was 5'11" 195, lean. I did CF and trained MMA. Hadn't done bench in a couple years, and never really squatted because I was a pussy.
    Then one glorious day, I watched a youtube vid of Jesse Marunde and said fuck it. I realized I didn't give a damn about being "lean", and I was too small.

    24yr. old, 5'11", 205 (had gained 10lbs of fat)
    Squat - 3X5 @ 265
    Bench - 3X5 @ 225
    Press - 3X5 @ 155
    PC - 5X3 @ 155
    Deads - 1X5 @ 315

    Missed a couple days for weddings, and one week around labor day due to being lazy that weekend. Ate alot, no GOMAD, but drank alot of whole milk already.
    Mid October:
    5'11", 219, leaner than in July somehow
    Squat - 3X5 @ 400
    Bench - 3X5 @ 270
    Press - 3X5 @ 185
    PC - 5X3 @ 205 (yeah, my form must suck, low number)
    Deads - 1X5 @430

    Had to reset then due to family medical emergency, flu, etc...basic shit life throws at you. Didn't micro load first time through progression, doing it this time, I like it. Making 2.5lb jumps on all, except 5lb or 7.5lb on DL depending on how I feel.
    After I reset, I decided I needed to put on more weight or I'd get crushed. I was having a really hard time breaking 220. Since then I've been eating anything I can see. Not "clean" at all. It is working.
    I'm going to compete in a PL meet Jan. 9th, shooting for 240.

    Quick update: 8-11-2010

    Got set back by car accident beginning of year, injured back. Since then I have rehabbed it, and set PRs.
    Current PR's:
    BW - 251 (few weeks back, been dieting down to 235)
    Squat - 460X5 for 2 sets, 3rd set of 2 (end of LP)
    Bench - 335 *after a lay off from bench due to tennis elbow. Not benching often cause shoulder
    Deads - 485X5 followed by 500X2...drunk
    Press - 242 *also after layoff (at 242bw)
    PC - 252 *I think, haven't really been working them

    Still haven't competed
    Last edited by kittenSmash; 08-11-2010 at 06:53 PM. Reason: Updated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    goddam you are a strong focker! glad you started a log here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Wait, are you still on SS?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Forgot to post monday and todays lifts.

    Mon 12-7 woke up at 235lbs, hell yeah
    Squat - 7X45, 5X135, 3X200, 2X245, 1X295, 1X335, 1X355, 1X375, 3X5@393# *felt so much better than before reset, good reps
    Bench - 10X45, 5X135, 5X176, 2X200, 1X225, 3X5@250# *changed grip, so much better
    Deads - PC 4 warmup: 5X135, 2X176, 1X200, 1X245(PR), DL's: 1X295, 1X335, 1X370, 1X390, 1X5@415#
    BBcurl - 2X15@45# *1 set close, 1 wide, doing these for rehab on bicep tendinitis

    Wed 12-9
    Squat - 7X45, 5X135, 3X200, 2X245, 1X295, 1X335, 1X360, 1X375, 3X5@395# *nice, alot easier than 1st time, bicep/elbow hurts though
    Press - 10X45, 5X90, 4X115, 2X135, 1X155, 3X5@175#
    PC - 5X90, 5X135, 2X155, 5X3@176# *90sec rest, easy
    BBcurl - 2X20@45#

    Waiting on a belt from Inzer, ordered last week. Really hoping the extra weight and belt will help me milk SS longer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Yeah, I'm still doing SS. Only difference is I am doing DL on mon, PC on wed, and Chins&back extension on fri. I was having a hard time recovering from deads every other time.
    I'm making small jumps, so Texas Method or another intermediate program might be better, but I don't have PP so I'm gonna milk SS as long as I can.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Jesus, those are ridiculous numbers on SS...and wait a light squat on Weds?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.City View Post
    Jesus, those are ridiculous numbers on SS...and wait a light squat on Weds?
    Nope, squat heavy 3X week. I thought the light day wed was a Texas Method thing? Maybe I need to re-read the SS programming chapter.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Very impressive numbers. I guess this is what's possible if you follow the program and eat enough to put on 30lbs. Nicely done!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Raskolnikov View Post
    Very impressive numbers. I guess this is what's possible if you follow the program and eat enough to put on 30lbs. Nicely done!
    Thanks man. I've never been this heavy before, I like it alot. I figure I'll just keep putting on weight (well try to) as long as I'm a novice. As long as I keep progressing, I'm down. Plus I love to eat. Man vs. Food style, haha

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Lynchburg, VA


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by kittenSmash View Post
    Waiting on a belt from Inzer, ordered last week. Really hoping the extra weight and belt will help me milk SS longer.
    Man, seems like several people on this board (and at recently ordered Inzer belts. I put in an order last Monday for a large, 10mm, single prong (in black). I haven't heard anything from them since I got my order confirmation 10 days ago. Hope all the recent orders doesn't slow down the delivery time given the already poor reputation Inzer seems to have with delivery and customer service.

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