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Thread: The "Will my hip stop screwing with me" Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default The "Will my hip stop screwing with me" Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    OK, time to start one of these.

    I have a long training history, but strength training has only ever been a supplement to my training rather than the primary activity. I had to end my sports career about 5 years ago due to the chronic effects of a pelvic injury and have been beset by related injuries throughout the entire period. In that time I maintained my upper body lifting, but always with workarounds to whatever was ailing/injured at that specific moment. The one constant was no squats or deads. Hell, even a 45lb SLDL was too much for my taut, frequently popping hamstrings to cope with.

    In May I came to the conclusion that my cardio was the reason I was constantly injured (force X frequency=injury potential) and so decided to start from scratch with a focused, strength training based rehab program, and so started a SS like template. I’ve done well, and seen drastic improvements. I’m still fighting the constant injury battle with my hips and associated muscles, but moved on to TM today for the OHP, hence the decision to start the log.

    My other limitations include:
    - Recent glute/obterator injury causing havoc with the IT band making deep squatting very painful. I’ve struggled to identify the problem until recently, but after a two week run at the starr rehab program using squats it got worse, and so I have done no squats at all in maybe 6 weeks. Today was my first day back and approached it very gingerly to try and assess where the pain threshold was and to see how close it is to my strength limit.

    - Crunked shoulder from my rugby playing days. Flared up again a few weeks ago after benching 245 X 5 X 3, so am now exclusively doing OHP for my presses while trying to work out the kinks in the shoulder and work the bench back in.

    Primarily I just want an extended run without injury limitations. If I can rehab and have a clean 6 month run, the numbers will take care of themselves. So my focus is
    - Continued rehab
    - Minimize fat gain (a problem when not able to stress the lower body lifts)
    - Progression as and when I can take it.

    Relevant Current Stats
    Age 32
    BW 202 and around 10 % fat
    Sqt and dead – No idea. I have not been able to do strength limiting stuff consistently with these for years, even more so since the ITB issue flared up.
    Bench – last session completed about 3-4 weeks ago at 245 (easily), but not currently able to bench
    OHP – 152 ½, with recent unsuccessful run at 155
    Clean – 190 5X3 . There is no pain in this lift, but the lift has stalled and gone backwards since I stopped squatting.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Day 1 of TM

    135 X5, 185 X 5, 225 X 5, 245 X 5
    Very easy, but last set very painful

    OHP 145 @ 5 X 5 alternated with
    Pendlay Row @ 195 – 5 X 5
    Both easy, and ran through it all with relatively quick rest

    Deadlift (just to assess pain tolerance after squatting)
    225 X 5, 275 X 5, 285 X 5 (last one didn’t feel good)

    Easy Push Press* – 165 3 X 3
    Alternated with SLDL - 165 X 10 X 3

    *I fail on OHP somewhere around the height of my nose to my forehead so have decided to do some push presses with weights that are easy, but heavier than I can do the OHP, to get used to finishing the lift.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    5 minute progressively increased resistance on bike
    5 min hip flexor and hip external rotator stretch (just left side)
    3-5 mins IT band and hip flexor PVC pipe.

    135X5, 185X5, 225X5, 255X5
    Weight went up eaily, but still some funky stuff going on in the hip so not ready to push too much yet. Pain drastically reduced compared to even a week ago though

    Low incline DB Press
    60lbs X 10 X 3 (very easy weight and no irritation of shoulder) alternated with
    Pull ups (hammer grip) Goal 3X8 @ BW+35lbs
    8, 6, 3rd set - BW +25lbs X 6

    185 X 3, 3, 3, 3 (didn;t attempt set 4 because of increasing tightness in left hamstring)

    OHP (easy day)
    135 X 5 X 3

    Strange day. After the volume day on wednesday I was unsure how much to scale back for recovery sets. I thought I had been conservative on the pull ups, but even the first set felt difficult, yet the OHP flew up without any effort. It seems the Pendlay's kicked my arse on monday, so will consider staying at the same weight next week to try and get the stress generated by the pull and the press a little more equal.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Warm up Sqts
    45 X 6 X 2, 95 X 5, 135 X 5, 185 X 5, 225 X 5

    225 X 5, 275 X 5, 295 X 5 (DO) easy and pain free

    45X5, 65 X 5, 95 X 5, 115 X5, 135X3, 155X1, 155X1, 157 1/2 X 5

    Pull ups
    BWX5, BW+25 X 5, BW+45 X 3, BW+ 60 X 5

    SLDL 3X10 @ 185 alternated with
    Low incline DB press 3X 10 @ 65 (no irriation)

    DB Row @ 100lbs AMRAP - 15 reps each side.

    Strange day. Very unsure of what sort of weights to use for the top set of 5 and so tried to go conservatively. I have also been very unsure on how the assitance lifts would affect me. I now have a baseline frame of reference and so looking forward to going after it next week.

    Hip feeling loser. Started the day with a bruise from over vigourous PVCing yesterday so decided to only warm up iwth Sqt, but the actual pain in the bottom position was minimal. I am however now icing my left biceps. I felt it a bit on wdnesday and think it might be from putting the cleans back to the ground. Will ice and massage over the weekend, but might have to drop cleans from next wednesday's session and see what happens.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Sqt - ramp to pain tolerance
    135 X 5, 185 X 5, 225 X 5, 265 X 5
    Felt good, even a bit of a grind on the last couple of reps. I can either choose to be depressed that I now have to grind out 1X5 @ 265 or positive that I can now reach a weight that requires me to grind with very little pain. Still not sure

    OHP 5 X 5 with 147.5 lbs alternated with
    Pendlay rows 5 X 5 with 195lbs
    5 rep on last 2 sets of press were slower, but overall still relatively easy. Pendlay's felt like cake. Required relatively short rest (3-4 mins)

    225X5, 275X3, 305X5 (D.O). Good, pain free reps but pushed the D.O. to the very limit with the last rep, with my right hand giving way with about 3 inches to go on the way back down.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    135 X 5, 185 X 5, 225 X 5, 245 X 2, 275 X 5
    No pain, although the last rep was a grind. I am hoping I might be back in business

    Pull ups hammer grip BW +25lbs
    8, 7, 6
    Alternated with
    Low Incline DB press - 3 X 10 with 70lbs
    very little irritation of the shoulder

    Cleans - warmed up but didnt do any work sets because of left biceps

    SLDL - 3X 10 with 195
    OHP - 2 X 5 with 140

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Sqt Warm up - 135X5, 185X5, 225X5

    Deadlift - 225X5, 275X3, 315X5 (3 DO, 2right hand under mixed grip).
    Really need to work on grip, but with the safety of the mixed these were very easy where as the 305DO on monday that made strain every sinew in my body to get it up.

    OHP - 45X5, 65X5, 95X5, 135X3, 3, 155X1, 160X5
    Last one a grind, but neve in danger of not going up

    Pull ups - BWX5, +25lbs X4, +62.5lbs X5

    Push Press - 170 X3, 175 X 3, 3

    DB rows - 2X10 with 100lbs with 1 min rest
    Last edited by LimieJosh; 11-05-2010 at 11:06 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Went back to my chucks today.

    Sqt - 135X5, 185X5, 225X5, 255X3, 275X5 (should have gone for 285, but miscalculated).
    Felt good, if a little strange in the flatter soled chucks.

    OHP - 5X5 with 150
    Alternated with Pendlay rows - 5X5 with 197.5
    Worked through an relatively quick rest, 3-4 minutes. Made sure I took the full 4 before the last set, which went a little easier than the 4th set.

    Dead - 225X5, 275X3, 325X5 (1DO, 4 rt hand under mixed grip)
    Felt easy

    Seated DB biceps curls - 3X10 with 35lbs (1 min rest)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Woke up this morning with bad right shoulder pain. Argh. A lot of puffiness in what fells like the pec tendon, and a lot of painful clicking of the ligaments or tendons as I move the humerous through the ROM. Couldn't even get my hand over my other shoulder to wash my back in the shower.

    Today has been 1200mg of advil today and ice 4 times, although not much joy. I did 5 mins of very painful cross friction massge on a tight part of the pec up towards the shouler with the softball against the wall. That caused considerable relief, but only for the short term.

    Will have to play tomorrow's session by ear.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Decided to skip Wednesday. Throughout the day I did 4 cycles of heat, massage and ice, and a proper painful massage in the evening. Pain free ROM has increased, but there is a painful twanging of tendons across the shoulder joint when I bring my right hand over to my left shoulder, and a small but noticeable amount of swelling/puffiness in the area.
    Last edited by LimieJosh; 11-11-2010 at 04:57 PM.

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