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Thread: "winged" scapula

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default "winged" scapula

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I'm really getting my money's worth out of you with all these questions. But don't worry, I'm making it up to you by buying the 2nd SS edition (have the old one and PP already).

    I realize I can't rely on Internet diagnoses, but it seems I have what is referred to as a "winged" scapula in one of my shoulders. Basically the left scapula sticks out too far, making some lifts more difficult and occasionally resulting in swollen joints. I realized that when I bring my shoulder blades together to bench, one of them is out more than the other, resulting in an uneven platform. It also seems to affect presses to some degree.

    Ever trained someone like this? From what I've read, it's either due to a weakness in the Serratus anterior or nerve damage. I doubt very much it's nerve damage, so my question is: do you know a way of strengthening the serratus anterior to prevent this? You've scared me off physical therapists so I figured I'd get your take.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I very much doubt that it is SA weakness, because this corrects itself with training rather quickly. If you've been training the major exercises for any length of time at all and you still have a wing, it's probably neurological. The question is then: what, if anything, do I do about it? Can I isolate the SA? And the answer is, of course, no, because even if you could that's not the way the muscle works, and isolating it doesn't fix the functional problem. You just keep training and the improvement that can occur will.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I don't know if i have a "winged scapula" , but something strange is definitley going on with me. My right shuolder, arm and pec are all smaller than the left side, and my left arm is stronger, even though i'm right handed.

    My right shoulder is visibly more "rounded", in a slightly more forward position than my left, and when i bench i feel as though my right scapula is moving out of position, despite the fact that i'm trying to keep both scapula pulled together. Basically my left side feels much tighter and has a firmer platform to bench from.

    I can also get a bit of pain in my right shoulder and when doing power cleans, i tend to rack the bar unevenly, with my right elbow slightly lower than my left.

    I have been training for 2 years but only on SS since about march of this year. It doesn't see to be improving, if anything it seem to be getting a little worse. Does this sound like a "winged scapula" or do you think this needs further attention?

    Thanks , Daniel.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    The advice to Peter applies to DOM as well.

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