What are the relative intensities?
I came off the TM a month or so ago due to a small break, now back to where I was but thinking of doing something new first
I was thinking something like:
Squats 4x2, 1x5 back off
Bench 4x2, 1x5 back off
Chin ups
Squats 5x1
Press 5x1
Chin ups
Squats 6x3
Bench 6x3
Deadlifts 1x5
Has anyone done something like this? I want to try the lower reps and rotating them is really the key thing. Bench and press would be alternated. I know more sets are required for lower reps but other than the TM intensity day (where volume is kept to ~5 reps total), I haven't seen examples of this so this is mostly guesswork. Potentially I'd replace the 4x2 with 3x5 instead
Many thanks
Last edited by Kregna; 11-04-2016 at 07:58 AM. Reason: Removed Wednesday back off
What are the relative intensities?
No planned percentages, just basing it off of weights I've lifted
E.g. my rubbish bench is 108.5kg x 5 reps / 120kg for a single (not 1rm)
6x3 - 107.5
5x1 - 115
4x2 - 112.5
Then the plan would be to increase every day's weight by 1kg (for bench/press) and 2.5kg (for squats)
I'm wondering if a light day might be needed or the back off sets might be too much. But will try and see anyway
Doesn't look really low volume to me. No?
41 reps on squat is the same +/- reps you'd do on a standard TM template
Good catch. I'll get rid of the back off set mid week, as I probably don't have time for the rest break that comes with the extra set and hopefully be a bit lower stress
Maybe I should do 3x2 on the Friday with 1x5 back off, or 4x2 with no back off... experimentation required
^you think an intermediate lifter would make progress on 12 bench reps per week?
Thanks for the thoughts. You are probably right and this is not really low volume. What you've suggested looks very very low volume. I guess the key thing was not the 'low volume' but really that I wanted to train with 1-3 reps as a main and do so more frequently than once a week ala TM intensity day
BW 102.5kg (225lbs)
Squats 190kg (418lbs) x 5
Bench 108.5kg (239lbs) x 5
Press 72.5kg (160lbs) x 5
Deadlifts 197.5kg (435lbs) x 5
My bench has not been increasing v well. Discrepancy between that and squats is getting higher (TM had squats increase by 5lbs each week, bench increase 2lbs every 2 weeks...)
Last edited by Kregna; 11-04-2016 at 07:57 AM. Reason: grammar
I was doing TM and got injured. Elbow would hurt from sets bigger than 3 reps on squat, couldn't bench at all.
So I did the following x3 a week (got the overall idea from the Squat Every Day book):
1. Work up to 1RM calm squat with good form and without psyching up (so not a true RM)
2. Drop 20 kg, do 3x3 with the lighter weight, increasing it by 5kg every set
3. Same for OHP
4. Accessory work
Saw some nice progress initially (was adding 2.5kg to every lift every other workout, so ~5kg a week), started doing bench again, it too progressed. Eventually I started stalling and moved back to TM. Found out my form got much better, confidence and control of the bar improved. I don't experience form breakdown anymore, if I fail a rep it's because I ran out of gas, not because I lost concentration/form. I can grind out reps with good technique now. VD weight increased by 10kg or so for bench and squat, mainly due to better technique.
I am overall happy with doing a few weeks of high intensity low volume because I got used to handling heavy weights and now my TM sets and reps feel much smoother and better. That said I doubt it's optimal for long term progress.
Last edited by whosthere; 11-12-2016 at 10:56 AM.
Sorry for the late reply. Just wanted to say have taken your advice on board and am now doing a lot more volume with something similar to this. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!
That's a pretty monster bench for 5x5
Thanks dude, I am actually doing something similar now with my 'intensity day' bench. Doing 1 heavy single, back off 10kg and do 3x3, back off 10kg and do 6-8 reps. Saw Hsilman (I think) talk about it in Callador's 4x4 kitten programme thread. Enjoying the exposure to heavier weights. Was planning on trying with squats also at some point. I agree the handling of the heavier weight is good practice. I used to lose composure under 3s on the bench but now can stay tight and solid through the single and then 3x3.
Was yours alternated with higher volume workouts?