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Thread: SS Press/bench press deload questions, deadlift equal to squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Default SS Press/bench press deload questions, deadlift equal to squat

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I have deloaded the press 3 times before hitting the 90lbs mark. My form was really awful but now it should be fine. I started microloading (adding 2.5lbs instead of 5lbs) a bit before 90lbs. I failed 95lbs with 3/4/3 reps and failed 95lbs a second time with 5/5/4, just one rep from completing. Should i deload? Should i try again? Should i add weight? If i deload, should i microload again? Did i start microloading too early? (For reference, i'm 20 years old, my BW is 158lbs and my squat is 242lbs).

    I have failed the bench press twice at 145lbs. This is the first time i have to deload the bench press. Should i start microloading it? If so, should i microload right after the deload or when i hit 145lbs?

    Also, my deadlift is equal to my squat right now. Reason being, i took a month of off training and i assumed my deadlift and squat should be about the same. Now we all know that the deadlift should be a bit ahead of the squat. I have never deloaded the squat or the deadlift. Should i adjust my programming? Currently i deadlift every other workout with 5lbs increments. Should i take bigger increments? Like 10lbs on the deadlift? I am also using wednesday as a recovery day for squats, squatting 80% of the previous 5RM. I implemented a recovery day a bit before 225lbs squat.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Oakland and Los Angeles


    Do you have the 3rd editions of SSBT and Practical Programming?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by marcf View Post
    Do you have the 3rd editions of SSBT and Practical Programming?
    No i don't
    Quote Originally Posted by King of the Jews View Post
    OP, are you a male or female?
    Quote Originally Posted by mgilchrest View Post
    Very skinny young dude.

    OP, are you gaining weight as you train?
    I have gained 7-8 lbs while training. I am not tracking my weight right now. I do try to get a caloric excess by drinking milk throughout the day. I don't track calories

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2016


    For the press, 2.5lbs is a pretty big jump once you've trained for a while.

    If I understand correctly, deadlift equal to squat is generally one of: squatting above parallel (use a camera to check), bad deadlift form, or "I hate deadlifting". Check your form, and if it's ok, I'd just let it be. Add an extra couple pounds per workout to the deadlift if you're worried about it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Oakland and Los Angeles


    Buy the books and read them. At the very least, Practical Programming will help you a lot. So will gaining weight. Start tracking your calories and macro intake.

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