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Thread: Bench press check (66kg)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Bench press check (66kg)

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I feel like I am managing to follow all the guidelines expressed through Starting Strength (keep locked when un-racking, etc...) however I do have two questions.

    1. Since about 64kg I've started having some difficulty un-racking the weight. Its quite a strain to get it out of the rack into starting position. Not saying I can't do it, just that previously I didn't even have to think about it, now I have to exert quite some force to get it out. Is that normal?

    2. I notice that when I re-rack my less dominant (right) arm seems to hit the rack quicker, it almost feels like one arm is shorter than the other, although perhaps its just weaker and comes down into the rack quicker.

    Bench Press 66kg ? Set 3 on Vimeo

    Any tips, advice, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    First, it is absolutely essential that you LOCK YOUR ARMS OUT when taking the bar out of the rack over to the start position, directly above your shoulder joint. Anytime the bar passes over your face and neck, YOUR ARMS MUST BE ABSOLUTELY LOCKED OUT. You show a clear bend in the elbows here, and you need to stop that immediately.


    1. Move the J-cups down one more hole.
    2. Grip a little bit narrower. It's hard to say exactly how much narrower based on this vid, but I'd guess 1.5-2 finger widths on each side.
    3. Don't pause the bar on your chest. Gentle touch-n-go.
    4. Your scapulae must remain retracted throughout the set. Including unracking and locking out each rep. Keep them squeezed back even as you lock out your elbows. Which you haven't been doing, per the first thing above.
    It is normal for it to feel harder to unrack the bar as it gets heavier. You should probably take the weight down to about 55-60kg to re-acclimate using the narrower grip and proper arm angle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Melbourne, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Wolf View Post
    First, it is absolutely essential that you LOCK YOUR ARMS OUT when taking the bar out of the rack over to the start position

    Strangely, when I posted this video, I honestly thought that having my arms locked out properly was the one thing I thought I was getting right. However, I did notice in the video that they didn't quite look straight though. Not sure whats going on. I guess I'll decrease the weight and have to start videoing to working on it. Thanks.

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