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Thread: It's Chow-dah! Say it roight!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default It's Chow-dah! Say it roight!

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    The gist of my training history is as follows: I began SS when I was 21 in college - I was 5'11", 135 lbs soaking wet, with about a 100lb 3x5 squat. 3 years and many gallons of milk later I am 195lbs (still 5'11") with the following PRs over the last month:

    BS (high bar, no belt) 1x365
    DL 1x385
    BP 1x225
    OHP 1x150

    Slow progress by this forums standards, but I'm getting there. Currently I am doing a split routine (having also bounced around btw. texas method and madcow int.) which allows for great programming flexibility, but perhaps may not work.

    4 days a week, 1 main lift a day (plus squats and accessory)
    warm up to a high single, then triples until I feel like I should stop.
    3 weeks on, 1 week active recovery.
    Lets see how it goes...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Okay the week of active recovery did not seem to work, I think I went too light. I did tues/thursday, and did:
    3x5x185 BS
    3x5x95 OHP
    3x5x95 PC (power clean)
    3x5x135 BP
    3x5 chin/pull up

    Upon returning to heavy weights I have done the following sessions:
    BS warm up to 1x325, 8x3x275
    PC 6x3x165
    Chinups 10,10,8,8

    That squat workout is an replica of a session I did over 12 months ago. Very discouraging. And to think that earlier this summer I could do 315 for 5, and 365 for 1. Certainly the deload week was too long and too light. Ive noticed that I tend to lose strength extremely fast. You know those people who say "I went on vacation for 3 weeks and on my first day back I hit 3 PRs!"? That is the opposite of me. [/bitch]

    BS warm up to 1x315
    OHP warm up to 3x3x135, 3x5x120
    Pull ups 8,8,8

    Not a great day here either. At least my nagging elbow/shoulder injuries have subsided....for now.

    BS warm up to 3x1x315
    DL warm up to 1x375, 5x3x345
    Curls 4x10x60

    Also disappointing. I was hoping that I'd at least hang on to some deadlifting prowess.

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