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Thread: CJ Gotcher Log- "What is Best in Life"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA

    Default CJ Gotcher Log- "What is Best in Life"

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Currently training for my first power-lifting meet: RPS "Havoc for the Holidays" Meet on December 13th, in the 181# weight class. On a modified 5-3-1 program for the 5th month (modified because the Press isn't a competition lift and my squat was lagging dramatically behind my DL- still is, but not nearly as bad).


    One month ago, while on deployment, we had a 4-lift contest (BP, SQ, DL, PR). 1RMs were:
    BS: 345#
    BP: 255#
    DL: 445#
    PR: 195#

    Short term goals are: Meet total of 1105# (365#, 465#, 275#) at 181# in the Raw Classic or Raw w/o Knee Wraps Division.

    Long terms goals are: Raw-elite Total in the 181# weight class (1396#) by April 2019.


    Warmup with band pullaparts, pushups, pullups, and 5X5X45# BP.
    BP: 3@65, 95, 115, 135, 155, 185, 205, 215; 4@230#
    Press (Starting from Clean) @135#: 12, 11, 9, 8
    Weighted Dips: 2X10@40#
    Weighted Pullups: 20X5@35# in between pressing sets

    Poor focus throughout the workout and watch schedule required I call it early. RR for Bench Press. Cue to keep the elbows forward at the start of the Press really helped in keeping the bar close, reducing the drop in reps from set to set from previous days.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA



    BS: 3X5@45#, 5@65, 95, 95; 3@135, 185, 225, 245, 275, 275, 295, 310 RPE 9
    Speed Deadlift: 3@135, 225; 3X1 @285#, 12X1@285+1 chain OTM
    Weighted Situps: 5X15@20#

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Hey there neighbor. Good to see another VA beach guy logging. Best of luck at your meet!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA


    Thanks, Jordan! I hadn't realized you were that close. When I get back deployment with the Navy (one of these days), I'll have to give you a shout- are you going to be part of the staff at the Brooklyn Level 2?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA



    Warmup with band pullaparts, knuckle pushups, pullups, and 5X5X45# BP
    DEBP: 5@65#, 95#, 135#, 155#, 10X3@155#+heavy chain (~80#), 1:15 Rest
    Press:3@45, 95, 135, 160, 170, 180 (RPE 9.5); 2X3@160#.
    Weighted Dips: 5X10@40#
    Weighted Pull/Chinups Alternated 22X5@35# spread between pressing sets)

    Total gym time: 1:36

    Heaviest weight I've tried on the DEBP- slowed down too much for the intended goal. At 60%1RM+chains, I shouldn't have expected much else, but I felt like testing my limit weight for speed. Presses felt good- Still not leaning back quite far enough at the start for a perfectly vertical bar path on the first rep, but reps 2 and 3 were always way better. Dips felt solid, no serious shoulder pain.

    Feel joint pain in my right knee- definitely feels like excess tension from hard-locking down the knees in the press.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA



    Warmup: Back Squat 3X5@45#, 500M Row/2:00

    Back Squat: 2X3@95#, 3@135, 185, 225, 245, 275, 295, 310(F3), 310(F3), 275
    Romanian Deadlifts: 5X10@195#
    Treadmill Ruck Hike: 4% incline, 20:00, 3.5 speed, 1.16 miles, 50#+pack

    Total gym time: 1:45

    Hit the target on Monday, but poor sleep and a lack of focus (hesitated initiating the hip drive for a split second and got stuck at the safety rail) cost me the third rep this time. RDLs felt good- under control, focused. Treadmill hike sucked as always- definitely felt the load on the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings, where I wanted it, and the switch to boots (rather than shoes) was a huge help.

    First failed 310- knees shooting forward at the bottom of the rep and hesitation:
    Last edited by CJ Gotcher; 08-28-2014 at 08:37 AM. Reason: Figured out how to add form video to Youtube

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA



    Warmup with bar pullaparts, knuckle pushups, chinups, and 5X5X45# BP
    BP: 3@95, 135, 155, 5@190#, 3@215#, 3@240# RPE 9-9.5, 2X3 @190# w/2s pause
    Clean to Presses: 4X7@135#
    Weighted Chinups (between pressing sets): 16X5@35#

    Rep record for 240#, and I felt like I could have done 1 more but I lost tension at the bottom, flattening out the arch and killing the drive off the chest. Called low volume today on the CtP and Chins based on feel- just not a good day in the sandbox. Sometimes you have a bad day at the gym... you just have to remember what's best in life:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA



    Warmup with 3X5 BS @45# and some active stretches
    BS: 3@95, 135, 185, 225, 245; 5@260 RPE8.5; 3@295 RPE8.5; 1@330 RPE10; 5@260 RPE9, 5@260 RPE10
    Speed Deficit Deadlifts: (25#plate deficit) 3@135, 3@225, 12X1@315 1:15 Rest.

    Total gym time: 1:26
    BW: 177.6

    Technique was off- bar was slipping on poly shirt (starting to run short on PT clothes in the sandbox) and I was working harder than usual to push out the knees. 330# went up- just had to take a gym-nap after. Tapped the right safety bar on the 2nd back-off set at 260#- need to work on going down even or slowing down.

    Speed DL felt great (slight dizzyness excepted, of course). Ditched the chain and upped the weight- still felt fast.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA



    Warmup with bar pullaparts, knuckle pushups, and 45#BP
    Dynamic Effort BP: 3@65#, 95, 135, 12X3@165#, 1:00 rest.
    Press: 5@45; 3@65, 95; 2@135; 5@150#, 3@170, 1@190F, 1@190 RPE10, 2X5@150 RPE8/9
    Weighted Dips: 5X8@50#
    Weighted Chinups 16X5@35#, 9X5@40# (split between pressing sets)

    Focus lacking on the speed bench- picked up during the press. Failed first set by shifting right and banging the plates against the uprights on the backstep- no recovering after that one. Got it the second time, just barely. Weighted dips felt heavy but solid- will probably increase weight slightly for next cycle but keep it at 8 reps. Chinups felt awesome compared to the last two workouts- ready to move up to 40/45#.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Vista, CA


    starting strength coach development program

    Warmup: 500M Row in 2:00 and 3X5 BS @ 45#.
    BS: 3@95, 135, 185, 225; 2@245; 5@260, 3@95, 1@330, 2X5@60.
    RDL: 4X10@210#.

    Watch ran on long an extra hour today here in the sandbox, so I had to cut the workout short to make the window to shower and get breakfast. Chose to focus on the main lift and 1 accessory to make sure I got in the BS volume. Went in still sore from Monday (same set/rep scheme and weight), but form felt excellent and the 330 and first-last sets felt way better than Monday.

    Next week's the scheduled 5/3/1 deload week. I definitely need something, but the 'full deload' of 50% off all the main lifts (and no accessories) felt unnecessarily light, so I'm going to try 80% of all the working weights, keep the accessories at a lighter weight, and see how that goes.

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