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Thread: Training advice needed after possible food poisoning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Default Training advice needed after possible food poisoning

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi Rip

    Been doing the program since end of July
    Male 44 years old
    Height 5 ft 7
    Weight 85 kilos
    Squat 119kg
    Deadlift 143kg
    Press 42.5kg (had to reset due to technique issues, I finally got it right)
    Bench 71kg
    Power clean 41kg (had to reset due to technique, mastering locked arms on the way up)

    Making progress until this Saturday gone when I came down with horrendous bloat, suspected food poisoning. Don’t think I can go back until next week. It’s cleared up but still getting griping in the guts. My question is when I go back next week should I deload or just redo my last workout?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2019


    I personally wouldn't resume training until I could eat normally again and then probably wait a couple days after that. If you have a home/garage gym you can set a trash can up and see how it goes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017


    I had a horrible stomach flu this week. I'm going to fit in 1 deload type day as there is no way I can lift where I left off last week. I'll try to resume planned training next week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2019


    Hey Guys

    Thanks for the advice. It turned out to be a bit more serious than food poisoning. I went to the docs and got a blood test and scan - turns out I have Cholecystitis, which is basically where the gall bladder gets blocked by stones. So now am in the business of looking for a saw bones to have the damn thing removed. That said, once I've recovered from the key hole surgery I'll be able to get back under the bar and it won't affect me negatively in any way after that. In the meantime I have to cut out fatty foods and no booze (boo!). I'll carry on training though; just reduce the weights to reflect I've been off for a week, before carrying on until the operation date. Then another period of down time and back on the NLP again! Ain't gonna let this derail me!

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