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Thread: Deadlift check 255lbs at 162lb BW Please, 4th rep was not good any tips appreciated.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    the sippi

    Default Deadlift check 255lbs at 162lb BW Please, 4th rep was not good any tips appreciated.

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    BW 162lbs
    Age 24
    Height 5'6-7
    Caloric intake 4700
    255lb deadlift link--->>>255lbs at 162.6lbs bw - YouTube

    Thanks in advance. Let me just say I love deadlifting, but it gives me soooo much trouble. I posted a video a week or two ago of a 225lb deadlift and I've been trying to work on my setup better like coach Tom said and not worry so much about my possible kyphotic posture probably causing some degree of upper back roundness in my setup. Heres a link to the post if anyone wants to view that for reference.

    So like I said I am really trying to get the set up down. The fourth rep of this video I felt a bit of a pinch in my low back, "where I have always felt it when I have gotten hurt deadlifting". It was mild and I'm ok just a bit stiff on that side so I am Icing it hoping I can get get back to my LP Wednesday. I watched my video in .5 speed and I noticed my hips get lower every rep. I thought this could be pushing the bar out from mid foot a bit but I can't really tell. I am trying to establish a rhythm to my deadlift so I can finally start avoiding repetitive injuries. How can I make sure it is over mid foot again before I pull, even if I start that way with the first rep I feel like the second is always out of place. Any advice and critiques are greatly appreciated, seriously. I very much so wish to fix my dead lift as it is the only thing that gives me trouble thanks again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    These are shot dead from the side, which is not ideal. I need to be able to see the shins against the bar. Come about two paces to the front for ideal positioning. You are using a mix of round and 12-sided plates, which may make moving the bar on the ground difficult. However, provided the bar can be rolled back, do so. If you put it down ahead of the midfoot, just roll it back. You need not work to flatten your kyphosis, but don't omit the squeezing-up step, either. Squeeze up, get the bar over the mid-foot and pull. Honestly, these deads, despite needing a touch of polish look pretty good. The reason four may have hurt is because the bar was not over the midfoot. Then again, sometimes shit hurts even if we do things right.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    the sippi


    Thank you very much, I'll keep polishing the mid foot and squeeze up ques. I'll film again when it starts to get heavy and be sure to use a better angle.

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