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Thread: Based on my stats, what category lifter would you say I am?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Based on my stats, what category lifter would you say I am?

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 190 lbs
    Bodyfat: 18%

    Squat: 365x5
    Deadlift: 405x5
    Bench: 265x5
    Press: 165x5
    Row: 195x5
    Power Clean: 185x5 (never do them)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Toronto ON


    strong lifts, sorry for being a dick in previous threads. seriously.

    you should probably just go intermediate, your lifts are already really high for novice progression.

    fuck, i wish i was that strong at 18.. or 19.. or when i turn 20.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Stats have nothing to do with designating your lifting category. Correlation does not imply causation.

    (Although mad lifts brah.)
    Last edited by PerseusStoned; 12-12-2011 at 06:06 PM. Reason: "ironic" footnote which hides my jealousy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by skipbeat View Post
    strong lifts, sorry for being a dick in previous threads. seriously.

    you should probably just go intermediate, your lifts are already really high for novice progression.

    fuck, i wish i was that strong at 18.. or 19.. or when i turn 20.
    Not sure if serious o.O

    Yeah I think I'm an intermediate, but I was wondering if there were people similar to me who were still on LP. Was hoping that if I ate, slept, supplemented, and trained perfect if I could make more LP progress, maybe even do the Advanced Novice SS program.

    Quote Originally Posted by PerseusStoned View Post
    Stats have nothing to do with designating your lifting category. Correlation does not imply causation.

    (Although mad lifts brah.)
    Yeah, but generally there's a certain zone for everyone where they can no longer make daily, weekly, or monthly progress. So I was trying to see if maybe someone was still on LP with similar or stronger stats.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    You should be able to tell if you're a novice or intermediate. What are your squat bench and press #s for 3 sets?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Toronto ON


    Quote Originally Posted by BeastMode View Post
    Not sure if serious o.O

    Yeah I think I'm an intermediate, but I was wondering if there were people similar to me who were still on LP. Was hoping that if I ate, slept, supplemented, and trained perfect if I could make more LP progress, maybe even do the Advanced Novice SS program.

    Yeah, but generally there's a certain zone for everyone where they can no longer make daily, weekly, or monthly progress. So I was trying to see if maybe someone was still on LP with similar or stronger stats.

    Stonerider is still on LP and he has a 365 bench. He's like 10 years older, not sure if that makes a difference.

    oh, and he's lean too. i'd ask him for tips!

    what's the staples of your diet? asking cause im a fatteh (well 5'10 and 198, so comparable to you, but my lifts are way less so im fatter)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    New York City


    Quote Originally Posted by BeastMode View Post
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 190 lbs
    Bodyfat: 18%

    Squat: 365x5
    Deadlift: 405x5
    Bench: 265x5
    Press: 165x5
    Row: 195x5
    Power Clean: 185x5 (never do them)
    Beginning intermediate, like me. Don't get too cocky, or the weights will teach you a lesson. Prgress steadily and incrementally. Start ramping your sets if you haven't done so already. And add in light days. You are doing great.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Quote Originally Posted by BeastMode View Post
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 190 lbs
    Bodyfat: 18%

    Squat: 365x5
    Deadlift: 405x5
    Bench: 265x5
    Press: 165x5
    Row: 195x5
    Power Clean: 185x5 (never do them)
    Probably intermediate, but I'd try SS for a short while if you haven't done it yet.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by skipbeat View Post
    Stonerider is still on LP and he has a 365 bench. He's like 10 years older, not sure if that makes a difference.

    oh, and he's lean too. i'd ask him for tips!

    what's the staples of your diet? asking cause im a fatteh (well 5'10 and 198, so comparable to you, but my lifts are way less so im fatter)
    How big is he though?

    Staples of my diet are fast food and milk. Seriously.

    Quote Originally Posted by SubZero View Post
    Beginning intermediate, like me. Don't get too cocky, or the weights will teach you a lesson. Prgress steadily and incrementally. Start ramping your sets if you haven't done so already. And add in light days. You are doing great.
    Yeah that's what I figure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos Daniel View Post
    Probably intermediate, but I'd try SS for a short while if you haven't done it yet.
    This is why I was asking, I have never done SS so I thought it might be possible to squeeze out some LP.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    New York City


    starting strength coach development program
    Do Advanced Madcow 5x5. I will soon.

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