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Thread: How To Become Strong - (Video)log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default How To Become Strong - (Video)log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hello to everyone! I've been lurking on the forums for a bit, and just stumbled upon this log session. I've started a videolog series of me progressing with Starting Strength on Youtube a while ago, and I've been thinking for some time now that how I can get some audience. So I thought, hell, why not post a log here and link a video to the day's workout.

    So, let me introduce myself. I am a 22-years-old dude from Finland. I used to weigh 150kg (330lbs) some years ago. And yeah, I'm 182cm or just under 6ft. I was super obese, had never really worked out at all. Smoking cigarettes and weed while eating my ass of. Playing video games 24/7. 2014 spring I decided to pick up a hobby, so I started going to Krav Maga classes. Summer came and I found out Muay Thai (thai kickboxing). I spent almost a year doing that shit, even had one match at -81kg weight class. I won the match btw, if you're wondering about that. Trained my ass off for that one, so it was inevitable. So, that was my lowest weight I've gotten since like in ages. I think I was 80kg at like 13 years old lol.

    After the Muay Thai match in late february, I didn't really rest and as I was already a bit overtrained, I started to get some serious symptoms as I just kept pushing to the limit and beyond. There were days where I would train three times a day. Morning running, afternoon boxing class and evening 2h+ solotraining sessions. I was eating 5k+ calories a day, maintaining my weight or even losing a bit weight in the process. Ramping up to 10-12 workouts per week just add some life-happens related stress to the mix and BOOM: Bad recoveries for workouts and nagging repetitive stress injuries all over the body, insomnia, elevated RHR (~38bpm->70bpm), moodiness, apathy, depression, strength loss. My overall fitness levels just collapsed for good. Well, fuck. Too bad. I had to take some time off from all sorts of sports. Full rest for 2 weeks, and super slowly building up from there.

    But after recovery from the "breakdown", I wasn't feeling the same Muay Thai vibes anymore. It was odd. So, I decided to try something else. I decided to pickup the barbell and give it a go. And the second I took the bar in my hands, I knew I was hooked for good. And here I am now, just finished off with my week 7 of Starting Strength, and I'm loving the training and the gains also to the max.

    My starting stats on 9th of april, 2015:
    Bodyweight: 85,7kg (189lbs), 182cm (6ft)
    - The Squat: 80kg (176lbs)
    - The Deadlift: 100kg (225lbs)
    - Bench: 75kg (165lbs)
    - Press: 45kg (100lbs)
    - Pendlay-row: 55kg (121lbs)

    I think I'm naturally a bit stronger, but I've also been doing some bodyweight exercises and kettlebell training last winter along with martial arts. So I was really happy with these starting numbers.

    Current stats as of 27th of may 2015, end of the week 7:
    Bodyweight: 89,9kg (198lbs), 182cm (6ft). Still seeing some abs with good lightning. So Ima keep eating like a boss.
    - The Squat: 110kg (242.5lbs) <- deloaded here from 120kg->100kg to fix form a bit, also changed from highbar->lowbar. Building the squat back up, still keeping an eye on the form
    - The Deadlift: 140kg (308.6lbs)
    - Bench: 85kg (187lbs)
    - Press: 55kg (121lbs)
    - Pendlay-row: 67,5kg (149lbs)

    Oh, and I might be doing some cardio on off-days. Running or cycling mainly. But I will try to keep this to the minimum since I am focusing on the strength gains. But I still want to get my heart pumping every now and then, just because I enjoy it and it's healthy.

    Youtube links:
    Channel's url (still under construction lol, maybe some day I will make it all fancy and shit)

    How to become strong - Week 6 1/3
    How to become strong - Week 6 2/3
    How to become strong - Week 6 3/3

    How to become strong - Week 7 1/3
    How to become strong - Week 7 2/3
    Week 7 3/3 is coming out in a few hours. I've had some problems uploading it.

    I will be posting a log post here after every workout, three times a week, along with a youtube video of the workout. And yeah, my goal is to get strong. Period. I will not be missing a workout. There is nothing in the world that could stop me going in to the gym.
    Feel free to throw me any questions and/or comment/critique the shit I'm doing! Thank you for reading and have a good day!
    Last edited by Logoist; 05-28-2015 at 12:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Hey guys and gals, updating the yesterdays workout! I will post the warmups in kilograms, just to keep my sanity levels stable.

    Week 7, workout A, 3 of 3

    - Squats (had a workout partner so the warmup was a bit different than usual)
    20kg 2x5, 60kg 2x5, 85kg 1x2 -> 110kg(242.5lbs) for 3x5
    - Bench
    20kg 2x5, 40kg 1x5, 55kg 1x3, 70kg 1x2 -> 82,5kg(182lbs) for 1x5, 1x6, 1x7
    - Deadlift
    60kg 2x5, 80kg 1x3, 110kg 1x2 -> 140kg(309lbs) for 1x5

    Weighted decline situps 3x15
    EZ-Bar Curls 3x8-12

    And the workout video. It is unfortunately missing bench clips, and assistance workouts. But shit (and the lifts!) happened and couldn't do anything about it. I apogolize for this!

    How to become strong - Week 7 3/3
    Last edited by Logoist; 05-29-2015 at 06:58 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Nice log man, I'll follow.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Hello all! On thursday I did some running, a bit over 5km. On friday, yesterday, I went to the gym to do some mobility work. I ended up spending approximately 1,5h foamrolling and stretching. I did the same the friday before this as well, and I think it is helping my recovery and overall mobility tremendously, so I will keep dedicating fridays for recovery/mobility from now on. I am still stretching and foamrolling every day with a different intensity each day. I believe and feel like that this is essential if I want the most progress. I will keep doing some running/cycling on offdays, 2-3 times a week, but I don't mind skipping a cardio workout if I feel like it's going to hinder my strength gains.

    I've been eating a bit over 4k+ calories a day for the past week and didn't gain really gain any weight. I will keep eating the same amount, since I am not stalling on any lifts at the moment.

    Saturday / 30.05.2015
    Week 8 (BAB), Workout B, 1 of 3

    Bodyweight: 89,9kg (198lbs) (182cm / 6ft)

    - Squats (having difficulties with shoulders/wrists with lowbar technique, need moar mobility! I also have to focus on the setup much more)
    20kg 2x5, 40kg 1x5, 60kg 1x3, 95kg 1x2 -> 112,5kg(248lbs) for 3x5

    - Press (got back to PR weights)
    20kg 2x5, 30kg 1x5, 35kg 1x3, 45kg 1x2 -> 55kg(121lbs) for 3x5

    - Power Clean (switched from pendlay row->PC this very workout, technique is obviously pretty shit. Will perfect it before moving up the weight.)
    20kg 2x5, 30kg 1x5, 40kg 1x3, 50kg 1x2 -> 60kg(132lbs) for 5x3

    - Band-Assisted Chinups 3xAMRAP (10,6,5)
    - Facepull 3x12
    - One arm DB row 3x10 32,5kg, 1x8 41kg (was feeling for some extra backwork, because no more pendlay rowing)
    - Ab-wheel 3x12
    - Rear&Front neck bridge 3x15

    Next up is squats, bench and THE deadlift. I already feel super confident of the next workout, I'm sure will crush the shit out of every lift!

    How to become strong - Week 8 1/3
    Last edited by Logoist; 05-31-2015 at 07:50 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Howdy hey! Was feeling for some cardio today, so I decided to go for some cycling, since it was a really nice weather. I cycled around the city area of my hometown.

    Sunday / 31.05.2015
    Week 8, offday

    Distance travelled: 17,72km
    Time: 47:00
    Avg. speed: 22,6km/h
    Max. speed: 43,9km/h

    No idea about heartrate, didn't have sensor on. Was pretty light though, I was riding through the woods and city mostly, so I wasn't able to really highspeed. But that's ok! Really enjoyed the workout. After the ride I did some stretching.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    Welcome. Nice log and glad you got your weight under control. With all of this training what do you do to make a living?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by carson View Post
    Welcome. Nice log and glad you got your weight under control. With all of this training what do you do to make a living?
    I'm a very poor person with no real education and all of my money basically goes to food and other essential stuff (internet, electricity, phone). I've been a student since last fall (studying some chef stuff), but I'm in the process of quitting school once again, that shit just ain't my thing. Been searching for a job for quite a while now actually and got a job interview coming up tomorrow. I want to get an income so I can invest a bit on my hobbies, since I see my future in that area.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Cool Monday / 01.06.2015

    Week 8 (BAB), Workout A, 2 of 3

    - Squats
    20kg 2x5, 45kg 1x5, 65kg 1x3, 90kg 1x2 -> 115kg(253.5lbs) for 3x5

    - Bench
    20kg 2x5, 30kg 1x5, 35kg 1x3, 45kg 1x2 -> 82,5kg(181,9lbs) for 1x5, 1x6 -> 85kg (187,4lbs)

    - The Deadlift
    20kg 1x5, 60kg 2x5, 85kg 1x3, 110kg 1x2 (shouldve been 120kg) -> 145kg(319.6lbs) for 1x5

    - Weighted back extension 3x15
    - Weighted decline situp 3x15

    General: Didn't sleep very good last night, because I had a job interview in the morning that messed up my sleeping pattern a bit, but that's not all. I was super nervoused of me oversleeping and missing the interview, so I ended up waking up like 4 times just to check up what time it is, to make sure that my alarm hadn't failed me. Didn't get much of a quality sleep. Took a 40min nap before workout, and had a cup of coffee also. I don't drink coffee that much. Maybe once a day, not even that sometimes. My lower back felt a bit fried also for some reason. Dropped calf workout from the end, because I was feeling tired and didn't want to overwork it. Tomorrow I will probably do some light running. Will see how I feel.

    Squat: Was feeling okay, first set felt a bit heavy for some reason. Probably because I didn't have my setup right, and I had to correct it after the first rep, and it still most likely wasn't good. Accidentally dropped the weight in the beginning of 2nd set, lmao. After unracking I felt like the bar was in a very uncomfortable position, and I missed the rack, so I had to drop it. Glad that nothing else happened!
    I also realized that my hand position have been completely wrong on the bar. I will have to study the techniques a lot more.

    Bench: My form broke on the 2nd set when I went for 6th rep, and that made last rep way too slow. I felt like I could push the last set with 85kg, and it was a great success. Next workout is going to be 85kg.

    The Deadlift: Felt heavy as shit, I think I will begin to hit a wall around 150kg with my double overhand. I was having problems keeping my tightness in the core, and I think I had a way too big of a curve in the back. Maybe I will keep the weight same for the next workout? Idk, we will see. Might be the tiredness also that caused the weight to feel heavy. I tried to work on my setup also, and that made the lift feel different from before. I mean, the first rep, I could feel it in my hamstrings, almost like a SLDL. Was weird.

    How to become strong - Week 8 2/3 (uploading.. up in 80minutes)

    Thank you for reading, and have a good day! Btw, I would really appreciate comments about my squat form. I tend to lean forward on the way up. Been also thinking about getting a pair of squatting shoes, would those help at all? I feel like my overall lower body flexibility is quite good tbh. My shoulders, on the other hand, are a pain in the ass.
    Last edited by Logoist; 06-01-2015 at 06:47 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default Tuesday / 02.06.2015

    Week 8, offday
    Distance travelled: 20,78km
    Time: 47:31
    Avg. speed: 26,2km/h
    Max. speed: 38,5km/h

    Was cycling through the city, felt kinda heavy for some reason. My bike is in a really shitty shape, tires being almost flat and all. I gotta get it repaired. I stretched after the cycling session. Been eating like a boss also.. interested to see how my weight will be next saturday

    Here's a random food video that I made because I was bored: (uploading.. 60minutes left at the time of this post)
    The perfect oatmeal

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Red face Wednesday / 03.06.2015

    starting strength coach development program
    Week 8 (BAB), Workout B, 3 of 3

    - Squats

    Got back to PR numbers. Next workout is PR time!!!
    20kg 2x5, 40kg 1x5, 65kg 1x3, 90kg 1x2 -> 117,5kg(259lbs) for 3x5

    - Press
    Got back to PR numbers as well!!!! HURRAY!
    20kg 2x5, 30kg 1x5, 35kg 1x3, 45kg 1x2 -> 55,5kg(121.3lbs) for 3x5

    - Power Clean
    Working on the technique still a bit before moving up with the weight!
    20kg 2x5, 30kg 1x5, 40kg 1x3, 50kg 1x2 -> 60kg(132.3lbs) for 5x3

    - Assisted chinups (yellow band) 3xFAIL (10,5,4)
    - Ez-Bar curls 2x8
    - Tricep pushdowns 2x8-12 cable machine + One dropset of curls&tricep pushdown
    - Hanging Leg Raises 3xfail (16, 10, x) <-- calluses on my hands were in real pain, so that kinda fucked me over

    I will be toning down a bit with the cardio on offdays, I don't want that to interfere with my strength gains. I'm having some annoying pains in my right shoulder, trying to fix it with mobilization and stretching. If it's not starting to fade off, I gotta see a doctor. Too bad I don't have money for that at the moment. Well, I will figure something out for sure!

    I will be also toning down with the accessory stuff for: one ab exercise per day. Then max two light lifts on top of that. Gonna figure out a specific routine tomorrow for that, I'm too tired for that now.

    How to become strong - Week 8 3/3
    Last edited by Logoist; 06-03-2015 at 07:05 PM.

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