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Thread: Starr Rehab

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    North Jersey

    Default Starr Rehab

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    For the Starr Rehab can anyone show me what exactly the protocol would look like for the first seven days? I know for the first day is the bar for 3x25.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    East Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by GesD View Post
    For the Starr Rehab can anyone show me what exactly the protocol would look like for the first seven days? I know for the first day is the bar for 3x25.
    For what exercise? I don't think there is an "exactly." Depends how the recovery is going.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South of France


    I've used the protocol for a few times now, as unfortunately I get injured very often.
    The last time I got hurt doing squats with 235 pounds, and I did the following:

    day 0 - injury
    day 2 - 65 x 25
    day 3 - 90 x 20
    day 4 - 110 x16
    day 5 - 130 x14
    day 8 - 150 x12
    day 9 - 170 x 11
    day 10 - 180 x9
    day 12 - 190 x8
    day 13 - 200 x7

    day 15 - start again training with 205 x5 x5

    As you can see, it's not exactly done in the way Rip describes it. The main difference is that I did not squat every day for two weeks, because I just didn't have the time.

    Hope this helps,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010



    I think it's better you provide more info about the type of injury you have... as far as I can remember, the method Starr proposes are not for chronic injuries, so it would be better if you provide more info.

    Regarding Starr's method, it calls doing high number of repetitions (25) adding slowly weight as the number of repetitions decrease, saving energy in doing the exercises recommended and taking care of nutrition and rest, applying also RICE method.

    I really recommend you to get the book The Strongest Shall Survive, it has 2 chapters covering it, the first is introductory to injury and so, and the second in the book is more specific depending on the type of injury...

    Just made a quick search in google, and found a link pointing to the wikia article:

    To give you an example in the case of a problem with your knees, as in this article it talks about squat, in Starr's book, it starts by recommending to do natural squats, before even using the bar, till you get a number of repetitions (100 though), starting with 3 series of 25 repetitions spaced in the day and then move up till the number expected, and then move to the bar.

    Hope it's of any use to you. Regards,

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