How much do you have to run for your job?
Ok, let me start by stating that I understand the reasoning for the SS view of running and how it pertains to strength training and strength gains soley for the purpose of getting stronger. But, I have to run. It's a job requirement. I've received a lot of advice in here about running and I am truly appreciative. However, I'm struggling to omit running because I suck at it if I don't maintain it.
So, finally to my multi-part question. 1. If I want to pursue general fitness that includes consistent running (1-2 days a week, moderate intensity for a moderate distance of 2-3 miles) should I stop running and get my baseline strength where it should be first and then incorporate running? 2. If I do number 1. could that improve my running? 3. OR should I adjust my programming to accommodate my running. For example, lift om M, W, and Sat and run on T,Th and omit squat and DL on W for lower body recovery purposes.
Thank you in advance!
How much do you have to run for your job?
Are you the guy with MS?
How much I have to run varies. It could be as little as I once every six months ot as often as 3 times a week depending on the unit I'm assigned to. Bottom line is that I am not a gifted runner and it is something I have to maintain IOT to make the cut.
Coach Rip, yes I have MS.
As well as running in formation or runnimg with Soldiers.