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Thread: Uneven Bench Press Form

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Uneven Bench Press Form

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    How are you guys doing today,

    Before I get into anything, I would like to mention I posted about this about 4 months ago in the technique form and I am having no progress, it's like I am stuck with this problem. I also tried searching this forum about my problem (I read the sticky) and one forum came up that was related to my problem, but all that was said is that it is a neurological problem, and that was it.

    The problem is I have uneven pressing, even with the barbell itself. (I am more concerned about the bench press). I did have a MINOR tricep tear in my left arm, which has been completely healed for several months. I have filmed video after video trying to correct this problem and nothing is working.

    I think I need a coach, and believe me, if one of you coaches lived near me I would pay money in a second.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Without a lot of boring details about your bodyweight/height/age/diet/training history/injury history/exact progression used, I can't help you here. Coaching is directoried at

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Without a lot of boring details about your bodyweight/height/age/diet/training history/injury history/exact progression used, I can't help you here. Coaching is directoried at

    The closest seminar to me unfortunately is New York since I live in Massachusetts. So it is a pretty long drive. Do you think my problem could be neurological? I mean, I hurt my tricep about 9 months ago and its been healed for about 4 months now, but no matter what I do, the pressing is uneven. This goes for Bench Press, Dips, and OHP, essentially any pressing movement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Without a lot of boring details about your bodyweight/height/age/diet/training history/injury history/exact progression used, I can't help you here. Coaching is directoried at
    And Also.

    Bodyweight - 172
    Height - 5ft 8
    Age - 18
    Training History - About 1 year now
    Injury History - Minor tear in left Tricep
    Exact Progression Used - Linear Progression, added 5-10 pounds per workout if I got 3 sets of 6. The tear happened when I was using 185 pounds. But then again I think my form was bad before, which is why it happened.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Yeah, you didn't do the program. Didn't read the book either. My advice, once again, is to get a coach.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    New York


    Brandon, I trained once with coach PJ Nathan in Gardiner, NY. Good guy. He may be the closest SS coach to you depending on where in Mass you live (and assuming you want to avoid the trek to NYC, where there are lots of SS coaches). You can make a weekend of it.

    By the way, I looked at your old bench video last night and I only saw what appeared to be a minor asymmetry. Are you sure you don't have a minor arm length discrepancy that you just didn't notice before? These are common and can put little deviations in otherwise straight bar paths.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Yeah, you didn't do the program. Didn't read the book either. My advice, once again, is to get a coach.
    Well, I think I will just start from scratch. I will start the program, and I just ordered the Starting Strength book off amazon. I just want to fix all of this mess, and learn proper technique.

    Quote Originally Posted by BareSteel View Post
    Brandon, I trained once with coach PJ Nathan in Gardiner, NY. Good guy. He may be the closest SS coach to you depending on where in Mass you live (and assuming you want to avoid the trek to NYC, where there are lots of SS coaches). You can make a weekend of it.

    By the way, I looked at your old bench video last night and I only saw what appeared to be a minor asymmetry. Are you sure you don't have a minor arm length discrepancy that you just didn't notice before? These are common and can put little deviations in otherwise straight bar paths.
    Hey BareSteel,

    Thank you for the recommendation I will definitely look into that. It says from where I am now, it will take 2 hours to get there, so that could be do able. Also, I don't think I have a arm length discrepancy as far as I know. Looking into the mirror, they both hang at the same level.

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