Hi Dave,
Welcome to the forum, I am looking forward to following your progress. I hope everything is going well in NYC!
Hey all,
Time to finally start posting my stuff so that I can use you guys to help me to continue to grow despite my ectomorphic metabolism and shitty anthropometry -__-
Name: Dave Piccirillo
Weight - 172 lbs
Height -5'11.5"
Age - 24
*UPDATED* 3/18/2013
Weight - 172 lbs
Squat - 365
Deadlift - 405
Press - 152.5
Bench - 215
P. Clean - 220
PR's 12/22/2012
Squat - 295x5
Deadlift - 330x5
Press - 140x4
Bench - 190x8 and 215x1
P. Clean - 215
-Eat enough fricken food to put on weight every week!!! (my second full time job)
-Reach genetic strength potential baby!
-Eventually be a respected strength coach, and compete at a high level of something (maybe crossfit... Glycolytic energy stystem in my jam). Definitely do not possess the genetic neurlogical efficiency to compete in olympic lifting. Maybe Powerlifting down the road.
Background -
Played collegiate soccer. Graduated Hofstra U with degree in Ex Science. Barbell Training for 2 years. (1 year well). Recieved my Starting Strengh Coach cert at the Brooklyn Seminar in October. Employed fulltime as a personal trainer at Equinox in Soho NYC. Although I consider myself and tell members I'm a strength coach to weed out the weak. I don't play along with the globo gym bullshit. #barbellorbust
Important info -
I eat 5,000 calories a day to maintain my weight. Gaining weight is my biggest bane and obstacle. I have very narrow shoulders, long legs, and short arms. My anthropometry makes my deadlift a struggle. My current PR is so low due to the fact that my back angle is about 5 degrees before the bar gets off the floor (huge moment arm). My bench press hasnt budged in about 2 years. My presses have stalled for quite sometime on texas method. My squat has been moving up quite nicely. I had better "rep PR's" running 5/3/1 on my presses so I'm reverting back to that style now - along with more assistance work. Upperbody lifts need more volume at a higher rep range than texas method calls for to progress. Progressing 5's or anything less is hopeless on my presses - my body just won't grow on that protocol anymore. Here is my current split:
Mon - Squat 5x5
Tues - Press 5/3/1, UB assistance
Wed - Front Squat 3x5, Powerclean 5x3, pulls/back assistance
Fri - Squat 5RM, Bench 5/3/1, UB assistance, Deadlift 5RM
*Recently coming off Stomach flu. Lost 4 lbs. Will post tomorrow's intensity numbers
Last edited by David Piccirillo; 03-19-2013 at 11:44 AM.
Hi Dave,
Welcome to the forum, I am looking forward to following your progress. I hope everything is going well in NYC!
Today's lift:
Felt f'n magical today compared to the first half of last week. Been working on getting my glycogen and fat stores back up from post stomach virus from hell. I've been eating like a pre-diabetic obese person lately : )... But that's not funny : (. My schedule got all f'd up from being sick so today was my intensity day.
Squat - 45x10; 135x5; 185x3; 225x3; 275x2; 315x1; 330x5 PR
Bench 5/3/1 (week 1) - 45x10; 130x5; 150x5; 170x10
Dips w/10kg KB - 10/9/5
Laying Triceps Extension - #75 x8x3
Deadlift - 135x5; 225x3; 275x2; 315x1; 335x5 PR
Here's the video of today's squat:
Last edited by David Piccirillo; 12-24-2012 at 03:13 PM.
Good shit Dave! Welcome to the forum and congrats on the PR's
So, after some serious subjective observation and form critiques from Rip and S. Hill, it seems as if my bottom position in the squat has been wandering a little north. The last serious coaching I've had was at the SSS in October and since then, the rest has been up to my own kinesthetic sense. The squat video above from my last intensity day is definitely a couple of inches high and so this week I focused on getting my bottom position lower and proper. I repeated the same 5x5 volume and am going to drop my intensity day from the most current PR of 330 back down to 315 making sure I'm hitting proper depth, and working it back up over a couple of weeks. I plan on lifting with Wolf on Monday, and so I'll have a good set of eyes on me this time.
Thursday -
Squat - 275 5x5 (worked on depth)
Friday -
Friday was a crappy day. Just didn't feel too great and had an anxious day. Didn't go for a 5/3/1 PR, and kept the assistance volume light.
OH Press 5/3/1 - 100x3; 110x3; 125x5
DB Bench 55 lbs 3x12
Overhead Rop Triceps Extensions - 3x12
Feeling pretty run down lately. Really trying to keep up with my vitamin C and food intake. Winter sucks. Regardless of my diet, exercise routine, or work factors, my energy is just always at 75% compared to Spring/Summer. I think I may have to have a little pre-workout sup before my heavy days. I haven't used one since my bodybuilding days about 2 years ago. Gonna go crush some Chipotle right now.
I'm with you on winter sucking compared to summer. Takes me longer to warm up and never feel as subjectively "good." I'm not sure what I'll be lifting on Monday since I'm still dealing with left rotator cuff and lower right back issues, but I'll be able to coach your squats regardless.
Met someone today at Soho who said they met you while deadlifting one day. David someone. He studders... Sucks about the injuries. You need a hug, and perhaps some Lord of The Rings.
Medium Day today. Been introducing Front Squats 3x5 at around 70% to change it up from soley performing low bars. So far, my recovery for Intensity day has been in check so I'm going to continue it. Ran out of time today so it was a pretty light day as assistance work goes. Plus I haven't been eating enough and I'd rather be 100% for Intensity day.
Front Squat Light-Medium 45x10; 95x5; 135x5; 185x5; 195x5; 205x5
Power Cleans Medium - 135x3; 145x3; 155x3; 165x3; 175x3
Chins - BW 15/9/6 (limited rest)
I recieved a 3" belt (my first : ) ) for Christmas and used it today for my cleans. It's still a f'n struggle to get my spine in extension before my pulls. I just don't get it. I blame anthropometry but I know it's a piss poor excuse. I have to squeeze my back for 3-5 seconds to initiate full extension in my lumbar before any of my pulls. By the time I pull it off the floor however, my back is already fatigued from the intense isometric work before I even do anything. F F F. Even Rip was confused about it at the seminar. Some people are just not build for deadlifting stupid weight.
Last edited by David Piccirillo; 12-29-2012 at 06:51 PM.
I vaguely remember meeting a guy named David there, maybe in April or May. I lifted at Soho 5 or 10 times earlier in the year. If it's the same guy, he's fairly small, seems like a nice guy. He had been stuck at 185 for 6 months, and just by helping him a little and throwing him a few cues between my own sets, got him to 245 that day - if I'm remembering correctly.
He told me some trainer there who was known as "the deadlift expert" told him he has to start with the bar over his toes. I pointed out that we just added 60lbs to his pull in 20 minutes; and that he'd been stuck for 6 months by following the deadlift expert's advice. Does he still think that guy is an expert?