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Thread: ThunderRabbit's SS Log

  1. #1
    ThunderRabbit Guest

    Default ThunderRabbit's SS Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    A bit of background:
    I was a couch potato for many years. Did SS for a few months last year before getting into Crossfit. Though I lost 50 lbs and gained a bit of strength on Crossfit, I feel like having significantly more strength would be beneficial towards further athletic improvements.

    500 DL
    400 Squat
    300 Bench/Clean
    200 Press

    Hoping to get into competitive powerlifting and/or oly lifting in a few years.

    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 192#

    Yesterday's SS workout B
    Squat: 320# 3x5
    Bench: 160# 3x5
    Power Clean: 155# 5x3

  2. #2
    ThunderRabbit Guest

    Thumbs down

    Didn't get much sleep last night. Today's workout suffered. Must compensate w/ more food also. I guess I should be doing full blown GOMAD or YNDTFP.

    Today's SS Workout A
    Squat: 325# 5, 5, 3(F) - bar slipped down back. Had to rack to reset
    Press: 125# 5, 3(F), 5 - inadequate rest period
    DL: 315# 1x5 - My DL form has been falling to pieces lately. Previous warmup weights are feeling hard

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England


    Welcome, it's good to see another "curious Crossfitter." Your number appear to be quite similar to mine. I started SS a week ago.

    Just out of curiosity, do you mind revealing your age?

  4. #4
    ThunderRabbit Guest


    Thanks, I'm 23 and wishing I started earlier.

    Time to slam some food and get stronger. I think kittenSmash is another former Crossfitter and has made some inspiring progress on linear progression.

  5. #5
    ThunderRabbit Guest


    SS Workout B

    Squat: 330# 3x5

    Man, maybe I should rename my log phoenix. These squats got pretty heavy. Feel like I'm dying and being born anew. Good for building mental toughness. Glad I made the 5# jump despite miss from last time though. Slamming food helps.

    Technique even improved a bit. The later reps in the set weren't degenerating into a GMish nightmare. Can't believe I lifted my head on the very last rep, lost hamstring tension and almost lost it.

    Bench: 165# 3x5

    Still weak sauce but improving. 165# felt solid w/ decent bar speed.

    Power Cleans: 160# 5x3

    Not feeling it after the squats pretty much drained me. Technique falling apart there. I'm pretty much muscle cleaning these and leaning back instead of getting under the bar. This is doing a number on my wrists. Will probably stay at this weight next time or even drop back down to fix up the form. Or possibly force myself to do a few squat cleans to get under it?

    Grrr, hate the bars at the new gym. The collars don't spin properly and the knurling is waaaay too aggressive. Shredding my hands on the cleans/DLs.

  6. #6
    ThunderRabbit Guest


    Missed workout yesterday due to work

    SS Workout A

    Squats: 335# 5, 5, 3, 5
    Missed on third set due to losing hamstring tension at bottom. Pissed that I missed it and ended up nailing it 3 minutes later.

    SS+eating more feels like magic. Today's sets didn't feel much harder than last week's even though I'm already well into PR territory. Weight shifting around a bit and later reps still turn more GMish but at least depth is good and consistent.

    Press: 130# 3x5 (+5 5RM)
    Totally stoked that I hit this. Been stuck @ 125# for 5RM for around past 2 months on Crossfit. Rather than screwing w/ fractionals, turns out I just needed to eat more.

    DL: 335 1x5
    Ugh, torn callouses open on hand. Bleeding all over the place. A downish ending to an otherwise very successful workout. Might have to tape aggressively and/or stay away from DLs for a while to let hands heal.

  7. #7
    ThunderRabbit Guest


    SS Workout B

    Squat: 340# 3x5

    Getting back into groove. Squats felt less difficult than previous times. Also managed good hamstring recruitment w/o GMish funkiness. Amazingly this is 25# over my 5RM when I started.

    This linear progression gravy train is amazing. Gonna see how far I can ride it before I stall.

    Bench: 170# 3x5

    Felt pretty good. Bar speed was a tad slow on last reps but not significantly more than 165#. Comes off chest pretty fast but then hits sticking point. Lower pec weakness + lack of tricep lockout strength? Maybe I should throw in some dips as assistance.

    PC: 155# 5x3

    Felt OK. Form getting better. Will see what happens when I got to 160# again. Ugh, I hate sucking @ the clean. At this rate, I'll probably hit a 400# squat before I hit a 200# clean and that would just be pretty silly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark


    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderRabbit View Post
    Ugh, I hate sucking @ the clean. At this rate, I'll probably hit a 400# squat before I hit a 200# clean and that would just be pretty silly.
    Tell me about it. I think we are quite a few facing that issue (decen squat, sucky clean). Nothing else to do than keep at it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England


    Quote Originally Posted by Danish Viking View Post
    Tell me about it. I think we are quite a few facing that issue (decen squat, sucky clean). Nothing else to do than keep at it.
    As a ?proud? member of that gang, maybe we should put some empty-bar squat cleans in to the regular squat warmup?

    Jus Sayin....

  10. #10
    ThunderRabbit Guest


    starting strength coach development program
    Yep. I think squat cleans are the way to go to drill in the idea of getting under the bar. My problem is the tendency to just muscle clean it. It turns ugly around 160# right now as I then start hyper extending to catch it and I start missing around 170#.

    Do you guys have the same problem?

    Maybe I should also start incorporating the clean version of the Burgener warmup into my routine. I've been doing the snatch version for so long.

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