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Thread: I want to get into powerlifting, but there're no gyms in my area....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default I want to get into powerlifting, but there're no gyms in my area....

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Has anyone else had this problem when they started out? I'm a little iffy about trying to do cleans (and some other complex exercises) on my own and would like to work with a coach. I can work hard(I lost 140lbs), but i don't really have the opportunity. Metro Detroit is basically dead when it comes to finding any serious coaches. I hope you guys don't mind this kind of question, but I live in an area of about 2 million people and I can't find sh*t. Does anyone know of any serious powerlifting gyms/coaches in the Detroit area?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default But they're into multi-ply powerlifting. I think Norbert Schemansky is still alive and in the Detroit area, but that's not a serious suggestion. has a powerlifting gym finder, I can't recognize which cities are suburbs of Detroit and wouldn't know which are close to you. But, that should be a start unless you've already looked at those.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Yeah, I'm not too into multi-ply type(don't see the point), but that might be my last resort. I live in wayne county if that narrows it down at all. I'll do some more searching. Seems like there is not a huge demand for oly lifting/powerlifting instruction.

    Maybe I could move to Wichita Falls?

    Thanks gzt
    Last edited by Bigkarl; 08-27-2010 at 03:38 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Cleveland is about 3 hours away from you, right? Consider this:

    I can guarantee you that you will come out of there with a really good understanding of the lifts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    i live in metro detroit. i havent looked too hard for a powerlifting gym, but nothing has popped up on my radar either. your best bet is probably to find a crossfit box willing to let you powerlift there, and hopefully will give you a discount on the price. otherwise, youre stuck at a globo gym like me (liftetime).

    edit: you can definitely self teach yourself on the power lifts. the oly lifts are a bit tougher, but i do know of a usaw certified coach in the rochester area.
    Last edited by scoppi; 08-27-2010 at 08:06 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigkarl View Post
    Has anyone else had this problem when they started out? I'm a little iffy about trying to do cleans (and some other complex exercises) on my own
    What do powercleans have to do with powerlifting?

    What are these other "complex" exercises you speak of?

    Powerlifting is dead simple, you just need some where to lift a barbell. No special gym required. Unless your the kind of person who benefits a lot from a group training/physching up environment. Then you'll do just fine learning by yourself from books like SS & PP , knuckling down and training hard.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Dastardly View Post
    What do powercleans have to do with powerlifting?

    What are these other "complex" exercises you speak of?

    Powerlifting is dead simple, you just need some where to lift a barbell. No special gym required. Unless your the kind of person who benefits a lot from a group training/physching up environment. Then you'll do just fine learning by yourself from books like SS & PP , knuckling down and training hard.
    After reading SS, Powercleans seem to be a very important exercise for building strength. Better than barbell rows, at least. I'm interested in either powerlifting or olympic lifting. I just want get as strong as I can while gaining quality size. As far as the last part of your post, I do do better in a group environment/ instructor. I put in the work, I just want to know what I'm doing so I don't injure myself. As you can tell I'm obviously green in the sport of strength training..

    To scoppi, any more info on the coach? Thanks for all the replies.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Powercleans are a good exercise, but not many powerlifters actually do them. Cleans & their variants are not really related to rows. Rows are a good exercise for a completely different purpose. Also remember that, just because someone is an experienced powerlifter who coaches others, it does not necessarily mean everything they teach is gold. It is not unlikely that you will run into a powerlifting coach who will have methods which are less efficient than what you might achieve yourself with the aid of good resources (like PP, Rip and the internet) and they may also coach you in bad habits & dangerous technique.

    'just saying you shouldn't feel that finding a powerlifting club is not the only way to go about it. You shouldn't feel stuck if you cannot find a coach.
    Good luck with your endeavours.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2010


    ive only talked to her a couple of times. shes mainly a crossfit instructor, but i know there is an oly lifting class a couple days a week that she teaches. i think i still have her contact info if you want it. she teaches out of the ymca in auburn hills. thats really all the info i have on her. depending on the crossfit box, you could probably get some pretty good instruction. i know oakland county crossfit, in auburn hills as well, has an oly lifting team, so they might know what their doing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    with out seeing your lifting background, you may want to look at your base preparation, goals and what you really want to do. how well are you at self learning, how is your kinesthetic awareness etc. i am self taught in the clean and snatch. i had technical difficulties that i learned and have struggled to clean them up.
    obviously oly lifting is much more technical (IMO) than pwr lifting.
    as far as cleans being of concern, you can do speed deads and squats.
    as dastardly has stated there are many good resources to choose from IE
    good luck and be open minded

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