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Thread: 8-week fat loss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default 8-week fat loss

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi Jordan-

    This summer, I'd like to do an 8-week cut to bring my bodyfat down to 12-15%. Here's my current stats:

    30 yo, 6'1", 230 lbs., low-20s bodyfat (say, 23%)
    315x5 squat, 385x5 deadlift, 200x5 bench, 160x5 press (should be higher by summer)

    I want to do a fast cut, because I absolutely hate training on any kind of caloric deficit, and so I'd rather just get it over with in 8 weeks than drag it out for many months. I'm willing to lose whatever strength, but of course I'd like to minimize that.

    You suggested some programming for the OP trying to prove to his GF that he can get a six-pack in 6 weeks, or whatever. I'm not after a six-pack, but I'm also starting at a higher bf than he claims to be. Would that programming be appropriate for what I'm after? It seems agreeable to me wrt my schedule and all that (and recovery).

    What should my diet look like?

    Many thanks! Too broke to back the e-book this month, but I will buy it whenever it comes out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Depending on the program you're on right now, the program I laid out in the other thread may or may not be appropriate. So, what are you doing now?

    If you want to do a "fast cut", you won't find a better solution than RFL as described in the other thread, but you'll need more protein.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Officially, I am doing SS advanced novice. So, I squat heavy Monday and Friday 3x5, light squat Wednesday, alternate bench and press 3x5, alternate chins and deadlift/power clean. I've been inconsistent very recently due to illness, but that's the program, more or less.

    Now, I understand that Lyle McDonald himself recommends less work than you're recommending here, though I got this second-hand. Also, does his RFL include a carb refeeding every week? I'd rather do more work with the refeed than less work without it.

    So, around 230g protein per day, and from lean sources? Seems like overall calories would be insanely low. If it were all chicken breast, e.g., wouldn't that be under 1500 calories? That's fine if that's the diet, but I just want to make sure.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Yes the program in the other thread will be fine. Normal RFL doesn't have a carb refeed but I do one whilst actually training. Calories will be low, of course, with this kind of approach.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Just curious...

    I've spent some time working through the posts here in your forum, and you've said that RFL is an option when performance is not an issue. I had said it seemed an attractive option to me because of the shorter duration, but suppose I DID care to avoid losing strength, and I were okay with a longer cut...

    I've seen you recommend as a starting point in this situation macros in the area of:

    Non training days: 265/215/60
    Training days: 235/375/55

    along with some programming advice for advanced novice (drop recovery squats, ramping sets on Friday). My question is: what's a ballpark estimate for how long it would take, on a program like this, to get from, say, 230 lbs. 25% bf to 12% bf (at whatever weight)?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Those macros are a decent starting point, although when you said fast cut that's what I was getting at.

    It's impossible for me to say how long it will take, but 12 weeks seems about right if body fat loss is a primary goal.

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