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Thread: Cracked rib and power cleans

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    San Antonio, Texas, USA

    Default Cracked rib and power cleans

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I began doing StrongLifts seven weeks ago. After getting SS3 and the DVD, I decided to change to SS, by doing two things: no rows and do power cleans instead, and change from 5x5 to 5x3 (5x1 deadlift, 3x5 cleans).

    I am 48 (49 in Dec.), 142 lb, a runner for many years, and never lifted weights before. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, which is supposed to be rare in men, but not so rare among thin men who probably didn't eat well when they were boys, exactly my case.

    I began squatting with the empty bar, and by the 5th week or so, the bar felt heavy enough so that I decided to use a belt. Last week I was squatting 145 lb, and intended to do 5x5. In the 4th rep of my last set, I felt what I knew was a cracked rib (I've had one before), so I didn't do the 5th rep. The pressure of the belt when I was down was the culprit. According to Rip, a cracked rib is no excuse for not lifting, given that there is nothing to do about it. But today was my first day trying power cleans. I did two sets with the empty bar, and the rib hurt more than with the other lifts. When I loaded the bar (65 lb), the first attempt was very painful, so I decided to call it a day.

    My question is, what can I do? Should I just do squat and bench those days? Is there an alternative to the power clean? Or should I simply disregard the pain and just do the cleans?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    How bad is the osteoporosis? If your belt is cracking your ribs, it's possible you shouldn't be doing power cleans. I'd consult a doctor about that, but finding one that understands what a power clean is might be hard.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    San Antonio, Texas, USA


    I don't remember the numbers. The osteoporosis was bad, for a man my age, but I think that the probability of getting a fracture (one way doctors use to explain how bad it is) was pretty small. Supplementary calcium and vit. D, plus plyometrics and some weight training have reversed the bone density loss during the past 18 months or so. That is one of my reasons to do SS, because I know my bone density will improve. I know the cracked rib is no big deal. I had one in the summer (I leaned into a large recycling container, reaching to the bottom I thought I was putting all my weight on my upper abs, but I was actually resting all my weight on my lower ribs, and I cracked a rib). That bothered me for a while, but it healed after a few weeks. This one will heal soon, I think. My question is what to do instead of the power cleans. I don't think the cleans are hurting anything. It is just painful right now (so is turning around in bed, so I am not too worried about anything that causes pain), so an alternative exercise would be useful. Or I can just wait it out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Moscow, Russia


    I'd suggest to just drop PCs for a while as it's likely that any power exercise that you substitute will cause the same pain. If you still want to substitute something, I'd go with RDLs.

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