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Thread: A Polaks Texasmethod

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default A Polaks Texasmethod

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    May or may not seen me before mostly a lurker but I post from time to time....To the point presses have stalled out for 2nd time at the same weights so its time for TM.

    My lower body lifts have been the bane as trying to perfect my squat form by myself and the help of this site has taken me a while; just started feeling the stretch reflex in it, and after a Deadlift reset to fix my pulling position thats still low...although my clean has gotten better I feel much more explosive after not doing them for a while. Only focusing on deads, and of course getting my hammies worked while squatting.

    Squat 3x5
    Bench or Press 5x5
    Deadlift 1x5
    Chins BWxFailure

    Squat 3x5
    Bench or Press 3x5
    Cleans 5x3
    Curls 3x8 with 30 second rest

    Squat 3x5
    Bench or Press 1x5
    Deadlift 1x5
    Pull ups BWxfailure
    Triceps Extensions (as per rips) 3x8

    6Ft about 220-225 lbs somewhere in that range I dont look at it much, go more by the mirror as I dont give a fuck at all what I weigh, specially after losing 130 lbs from 330-200 (then to my current thanks to SS) I've come to know the scale is a lying cheating whore.

    I work nightwork at a warehouse Monday night - Thursday night (6pm-4:30pm) probably standing for all but roughly 2 hrs worth (depending on how busy it is)

    Diet will be this

    6 eggs, piece of fruit, 5gs of powdered creatine mixed with water

    3 scopes of whey protein mixed in 2% (its what my family buys or else it be whole) milk, piece of fruit

    Either a Newyork strip (about 1/2 pound blue rare merely a nice searing) or a few chicken breasts, spinach

    3 cans of tuna mixed in Mustard and various spices, cottege cheese

    (Diet isnt set in stone of course, if I feel like its not enough IE sluggish ill eat more)
    Last edited by MattJ.D.; 07-11-2011 at 01:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Monday July 11

    First day of TM with bench, Ive read Justin's TM book he says to ease into the volume day but I didnt did todays 5x5 pretty damn easy. Even kept the rest minimum about 2minutes. My Squat rest was about 3-3 1/2 mins.

    Squats 250x3x5 (easy felt a few cracks and pops in my left knee though during an empty warmup now ive got some pain completely bearable though will move on)
    Bench 225x5x5 (completely easy, funny though you can tell my left side is stronger than my right though because as I moved along with my sets; my right side was lagging as I was benching noticeably. My right pec is less developed)
    Deadlift 345x1x5 (Got it wasnt easy but was not terribly overwhelming, after last rep though I felt lightheaded for the first ever while lifting)
    Chins bwx3x5


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Wensday July 13

    Squats 255x3x5
    Press 155x3x5
    Cleans 205x5x3
    and a bunch of curls and calf raises

    Easy workout cept presses I know its supposed to be light day and well the weight is light but I cut my rest to 1 minute on them
    Last edited by MattJ.D.; 07-15-2011 at 04:47 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Friday July 15

    Squats 260x3x5
    Bench 237.5x1x5,185x1x8
    Deadlifts....oh deadlifts back felt really tired, even when I was warming up with cleans I couldnt explode during second pull think my ass is just kicked from my work by the time it comes to friday from bending over all the time to move boxes and shit...was going for 350 got it twice on third my grip was slipping and I was moving it oh so slowly. I'm currently using double OH really dont want to go to alternate, about to order a pair of fat gripz....Id like to be able to get into the 400s with double OH...idc if I have to use straps, I dont ever plan on being in a meet.
    Dips BW+45lbsx3x5...decided to go with dips instead of tricep extensions...idk was reading justins TM and thought it was help out my presses more
    Pulls bwx3,bwx1,bwx1

    Maybe its time to move my deadlift to tm (or prehaps it would just be better bc of my job idk) if anyone reads this please chime in with what you think.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    It's time to use Mixed grip. Or straps.. If you really must. But it probably won't aid your quest. But why make it easier? Your grip will still improve doing mixed. And you won't get some fucked up disproportionate trap development or a torn bi so long as u keep ur arms straight and lift smart. I wouldn't ever sacrifice back and leg development for DoH grip. U will notice when u change to a stronger grip that the bar will feel lighter and I think you'll get more reps. It will feel HEAPS lighter. It's a mind-muscle type thing. Also, use chalk if ur not already. I can do about 190x1 DOH grip and it feels like a 1rm. If I go mixed it flys up. My grip sucks Too but from very short fingers (can't even hook grip lol) so if u want to work on it a bit more u can try a backoff set of 50% of arm after deads with fat grips or invest in some coc grippers and do some static holds after u find out how they work for u. Plus they're great fun

    5 reps at 345 to a dub at 350 I wouldn't change anything. If it's fucked for 3 to 4 weeks then I'd think about changing. Prob just a shit day. Deadliest can be very temperamental iof you're tired.

    Hope that helped

    Btw; yak sze masz, kurwa!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Monday July 18th

    Squats 265x3x5-easy
    Press 155x5x5-relatively easy till last few reps
    Deadlift 350x1x5 DOH got it really easy today...didnt have a problem gripping at all...really think its just bc im so fucking tired by the end of the week from job at the warehouse at night, see what fridays like again for me this week
    Chins BWx5, BWx5, BWx4- These are getting better and better (think its the pull ups) Im finally able to get a stretch at the bottom allowing me to bang em out quicker and easier.

    Think the weekend plus pigging out on some cookies and milk last night really helped, usually don't eat that shit but I wanted it badly.

    Edit: whats with the whore comment?
    Last edited by MattJ.D.; 07-18-2011 at 03:00 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Maybe you are more polish than me, or speak it better than I do, but whenever we go there every second word we hear is 'kurwa!'. It's a joke

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Honestly im 100% pure blooded polish but im born and raised in jersey....i only know some words in polish from my Babchia...just so happens thats one of em lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010



    translated it means
    'how you going, fuck/whore (kurwa)

    if you ever visit you will notice that just while waiting for the train or walking by two dudes chatting you are guaranteed to hear the word several times

    keep up the training!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Wednesday July 19

    Squats 270x3x5....lower back feels funny now, like my spine is sore kinda idk probably be gone in a day or even less
    Bench 225x3x5..easy
    Powercleans 205x5x3...fairly easy
    DB curls 45sx2x6(each arm)
    Standing Calve raises on smithmachine 300x2x12
    Last edited by MattJ.D.; 07-22-2011 at 03:51 PM.

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