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Thread: Walter's Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, KY

    Default Walter's Training Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Age: 49
    Weight: 220
    Height: 6-1
    BP 5RM - 185
    DL 5RM - 353
    SQ 5RM - 295
    PR 5RM - 105

    On Weds., I will start new programming based on Ripp's feedback this past weekend at the SS Seminar in Atlanta. I returned to the weight room in July after a break for shoulder surgery and did linear progression on the Novice until stalling out at the beginning of October. A switch to TM worked for about 3-4 weeks before stalling out again.

    I'm back to weights where I was before surgery but, as an older lifter, I can't recover from the amount of volume at these weights, so I'm going to a four day split with a day of Prowler on the end:

    Monday: BP/PR 5 (sets) x 5 (reps) (across), PR/BP 3 x 5 x 85%, Chins

    Tuesday: SQ 5 x 5, Power Snatch 5 x 3

    Thursday: PR/BP 5 x 1/5 x 2/3 x 3, BP/PR 3 x 5 x 85%, Chins

    Friday: SQ 5 x 1/5 x 2/3 x 3, DL 5RM

    Saturday: Prowler
    Last edited by Walter Palmer; 11-19-2012 at 08:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Hi Walter.

    So this is TM but with extra pressing, midweek squats dropped, and over 4 days per week?
    Looks like a nice setup, I hope it works for you.

    Charlie Davies

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, KY



    Good to meet you this past weekend and good luck with your training. Keep us posted on how you progress.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010



    Good to see you on here and looking forward to seeing your progress. I'm smelling some big numbers coming up. I'll be checking in here regularly as well. Nice meeting you this weekend.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, KY


    Weds, 21 November 2012

    BP - 170x5x5
    PR - 85x3x5
    Pull-ups - 4xBW, 5xBW, 5xBW

    First workout since seminar this weekend. BP felt good and will move up to 180 next time. PR was good but little bit of of twist on left wrist, need to check grip; move to 90 next time.

    First time trying chin-ups since surgery one year ago that included a biceps tendonosis. The PT told me the one thing not to do is chin-ups, have been doing pullups instead. Tried chin-up today but problem is actually right bicep in the mid to upper range. Concern, based on left shoulder surgery, is that the biceps proximal attachment is subluxing out of the biceps groove. The pain in the chin-up attempt was same as biceps curl under heavy load. Will probably need to have this checked out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, KY


    Friday, 23 November 2012

    SQ - 225x5x5
    PS - 90x4x3

    Everything was lighter and more effort than it should have been. I've been getting my sleep and eating so chalking it up to four weeks being sick. After five days on antibiotics, just coming out of bronchitis so maybe underrated the impact of that on my overall system. This was probably why fifth rep on DL at 315 was hard at seminar when I was doing 350 coming into it. On the mend, so hope that everything will feel better on next two workouts.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, KY


    Saturday, 24 November 2012

    PR - 105x5x1
    BP - 145x3x5
    Pull ups - 3x6xBW
    BB Curl - 45x3x10

    This is first time doing reps of 1 for PR so wasn't sure how to peg number. This was doable and form was good from work at seminar on new press method. BP was back-off day and I felt better today, in general, than yesterday's workout. On the barbell curls, trying to really nail down the pain issue. Even at this light weight, first set caused pain in mid to upper biceps but gets better in the subsequent sets. Also doesn't bother me if I do hammer curls. Hmmm...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Welcome, Walter. I look forward to seeing how you progress on this program.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, KY


    Thanks Karl. Jordan told me I should start keeping my log here and it is really great to get the welcome and input.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lexington, KY


    starting strength coach development program
    Monday, 26 November 2012

    SQ - 275x5x1
    DL - 338x1; 308x5
    BB Curl - 45x3x12

    Not back to my pre-bronchitis and two weeks out of country weights but today felt okay. Double overhand grip on DL today and the 338 was hard to break off the ground, might have been grip. Will move up on SQ weight next time doing singles.

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