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Thread: Squats really heavy at low weights

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Squats really heavy at low weights

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    I saw some guy's workout log on the forums. He did SS and was progressing like a madman to something like a 250 lbs squat (iirc), and I don't think it stopped there either. He progressed every workout and his bar speed seemed to not be phased by the weights either, it went up really fast every time. Here's a link:

    On the other hand, I'm doing very poorly compared to this guy. Today I stalled on 92 kgs. The past 2 workouts I did hit my goals, but bar speed is much slower than this guy, and I pause inbetween each rep. This guy just keeps going lol. Me? Before my 4th and 5th rep I pause for 5 seconds min, probably more for the last rep.

    I have to say I did correct my macros (mainly increased protein intake to 220 g average daily) and I dropped my energy intake from 3500 to 3200 due to getting alot of fat, but I have to say I haven't seen a decrease in performance. My Bench (another weakness) stalled for one workout even when I ate 3500 kcals and rested well. Today my Bench stalled again (at 72 kg, lol).

    Also if my sleep fucks up even a lil bit I seem to struggle. This guy went on 5 horus of sleep one of the days and managed to add 10 lbs to his 200 lbs squat (maybe a bit lower). And me? I slept like 9-10 hours every day prior to today, when I slept 7 hours (woke up in the middle of the night and stayed awake for like 30 mins too). The effect on my performance was noticeable since I couldn't even squat 5 times when I lowered the weights by 5 kg. And I did that because my 2nd work set (after the first 92 kg x 4) was 92 kg x 2, when my spotter basically lifted the 3rd rep. On 87 kg my spotter touched the bar on the 5th rep - maybe I could've hit the rep, but it was really heavy and my form collapsed most likely. Btw, rest time was same as always, 5:30 minutes plus time to set up on the bar, and between work sets my legs didn't even feel that heavy.

    My form must be poor too, but I don't think that's the biggest problem. I guess I'll get responses about not eating enough, but I am gaining weight, just not so fast since I'm already at a high bf (over 20%, can post a pic to show it). Funny thing is I look kinda lean in my face but the fat accumulates in the lower back/hip/stomach area.

    Another thing about my form - it seems that I always lean slightly to the right and forward when it's heavy. I correct my stance on the way up but this is a common occurence at lower depth.

    Here is a link to some form vids I posted a month or so ago - I've always tried to correct my form since then, so I think it's at least somewhat better than in the posted video:

    More info:
    Height: 6 ft 1 (185 cm)
    Weight: 183 lbs (83 kg) - not completely sure due to fluctuations when measuring
    Age: 23
    Last edited by taxcollector; 01-31-2014 at 11:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Not sure if this is a question or just a rant, but don't compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to yourself. Are you stronger now than you've ever been? And still getting stronger by the week?

    Some people just take to training more easily than others. Life ain't fair, kid. Just keep doing what you're doing. Get the form issues ironed out. Keep adding weight to the bar. Prosper. You're ahead of 95% of people already.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Waverly, IA


    Most of the time you're answering your own questions. Not enough sleep? Do what you can to get your sleep more consistent? Macros wrong? Make small changes and fix them. Bad form? Post more form checks.

    The absolute worst thing you can ever do is to compare yourself to another lifter the way that you're doing. Comparing yourself to someone else so that it brings you to new heights is a good thing. But the self deprecating way you're talking is the biggest mistake you can make.

    You are you. All that matters is that you get under that bar every day and do the absolute best that you can. If you fail a lift, come back and do it the next time. Stay determined, believe in yourself, and NEVER give up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Wherever the music takes me, kitten


    Agree with both Nick and Mahogany...leave the self deprecation to the pros - -like myself. My performance leaves a lot to be desired - -just ask my wife. When I went to get my competition singlet I had to get size "Equator" . . .

    Seriously though; the best thing about this journey you are going to take is that you only need to be better than you were yesterday. As long as it was more than yesterday you have improved. 1/2 a pound or 1/2 an inch can make a difference (just ask my wife)....

    There you have it....Self Deprecation and "Oh Woe is me . ." - -let Jones handle that..
    Keep getting stronger? It is all you man. .. . on your schedule.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    The Deep South


    Did you notice that guy in your link is 5'11 and 250 lbs?

    And, he's doing texas method now his intensity day squats are 305. Not like that's outrageous progress. Just keep moving forward you'll get there too.
    Last edited by kel; 01-31-2014 at 11:59 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    I am stronger than ever and I do progress, but this guy is doing what I hoped I can achieve, which is true LP. Did you guys have to pause inbetween reps at such low weights? (92 kg)

    I'll never give up, but it's kinda demotivating to see this kinda progress while I messed up my first go at SS. THis time around I'm doing better but nowhere near as good as this guy.

    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    Did you notice that guy in your link is 5'11 and 250 lbs?

    And, he's doing texas method now his intensity day squats are 305. Not like that's outrageous progress. Just keep moving forward you'll get there too.
    I think the reason his squat is 305 is because he went on a cut. Saw some pics on his profile, pretty impressive in itself. Definitely achieving what I hope I will be able to in the future (strength and body fat wise).

    When he started he was untrained and fat, from what I've gathered. Also I'm taller, shouldn't my lifts also be better (by default)? I mean I shouldn't struggle as much on lower weights - he was doing much heavier squats 10 x faster.

    I asked him about his nutrition back then, maybe I'll get some useful info about that.
    Last edited by taxcollector; 01-31-2014 at 12:17 PM.

  7. #7
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    May 2011


    Lots of guys are stronger than me. Tuchscherer is my height and weight, and lifts about 700-800 more pounds than me. I could get bothered by this, or be jazzed that I'm stronger than I've ever been.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Meh, Idk.. I'm just quite competitive by nature. I used to play alot of online video games and always tried to be the best I can. Now when I'm at the gym I'm looking to squat/deadlift the heaviest there, or one of the heaviest. But when I lift and have to pause between each rep it looks kinda pathetic.

    If more people did compound lifts at my gym though I'd be dwarfed easily. Luckily most of em do bullshit routines :P

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Wherever the music takes me, kitten


    Without a doubt - -many guys on this board that are smaller than me are stronger than I am. Most guys that are my size or bigger, on the forums, are stronger than I am. I however am stronger than I have ever been, and usually am stronger than anyone within rock throwing distance when out in the general public. Today when I trained - -I did more than last time. Tomorrow when I train - -I will improve as well.

    I celebrate my friends achievements when they hit training milestones - -but they don't have shit to do with how bad-ass I am becoming when compared to myself.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Jones View Post
    Without a doubt - -many guys on this board that are smaller than me are stronger than I am.
    not to mention better-looking and smarter. :-p

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