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Thread: Sarah la Rosa's training log - Rehab to AO

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Walnut Creek, CA

    Default Sarah la Rosa's training log - Rehab to AO

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Hello everyone!
    After much emotional duress, I've decided to start a log here.

    I'm 31yo F, 5'8"
    Normally 180lbs, currently a little bit fluffier from holidays, but trying to lean out to 165lbs to compete in Olympic meets. (I really don't want to compete w/the 75kg++ women, but we'll see how this goes.)

    I have been dealing with a herniated disc this past year. (Extrusion impinging on S1.)
    From March-August 2013 I rehabbed with a steady LP and accessory work. I competed in a USAPL meet in Jersey on 8/10/13.

    Bench: 165
    Deadlift: 300 (15#PR)
    I held the squat at 230, as I had some more problems with this lift and my back. I didn't feel safe or comfortable going beyond that weight, but I really wanted to do the meet w/a group of girlfriends from my gym. Was a really great experience.

    I had a relapse-ish in early October 2013 which resulted in terrible sciatic, low back pain, a corticosteroid injection in SI and eventually a course of oral corticosteroids. I was able to start lifting again by 10/30/13 with the aid of RoriMegan as my PT and have been working on trying to regain my strength without re-injury.

    I have trained at Crossfit South Brooklyn since May 2011. I was introduced to lifting via the Crossfit world and was lucky enough to be at a gym that has a ton of Starting Strength coaches and emphasizes strength training. I took the SS seminar this past year myself and became a Starting Strength coach. I feel really fortunate to have connected with the crew out in NY, they are an amazing group of people.

    My current goal is to regain my squat strength prior to injury. Competitively I would like to qualify for the American Open. Depending on how rehab goes this spring, I would like to do it this year, but I also realize this is highly dependent on how my body feels.
    Last edited by Sarah Archenbronn; 01-21-2014 at 09:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Walnut Creek, CA


    1 21 14
    First day of training w/Wolf at Equinox!
    Foam roll, external rotation stretchx3/side

    Paused box squats
    45x2x5, 75x5, 95x5, 135x4
    Really nice to have Wolf to cue me and eliminate the mini over extension. Tried w/and w/mouth guard.. Wolf didn't notice any form difference, so I think I'm going to leave that out from squatting. I feel it's obstructive to my breathing pattern. Overall, strong set.

    45x10, 95x5, 125x3, 135x1
    PR for 3 sets of 5. Last set was the best. Adjusting to how slippy this new bench is. I think I was pretty nervous, but I was able to work it. Good bar speed.

    45# 1:00x3
    20# side planks 0:35/side x3
    Really strong today. I have to think about upping side plank wt- maybe inc time on prone plank.

    Pullups: 5, 5chins, 5 pull-ups
    Felt like mixing it up today. I need to get my own chalk.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Costa Mesa, CA


    Jazzed to follow your log Sarah!

    I visited CF South Brooklyn in March of 2013, great spot. It was one of the coaches there that convinced me to do the Starting Strength Seminar, too. Woot.

    I do worry about you training with the most injured man in the northern hemisphere...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Long Island, NY


    Great to see you on here, Sarah! It is also good to see you will be lifting with Wolf. I am looking forward to following your progress.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Welcome Sarah! So excited that you started a log here. I'll be following along.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Yeah! You did it. :-) Glad to see your log here.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Horndean, UK


    following along!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Walnut Creek, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Niki Sims View Post
    Jazzed to follow your log Sarah!

    I visited CF South Brooklyn in March of 2013, great spot. It was one of the coaches there that convinced me to do the Starting Strength Seminar, too. Woot.

    I do worry about you training with the most injured man in the northern hemisphere...
    Thanks Niki!
    It's too bad I didn't get to meet you! That place is definitely my second home.
    You know what they say... Gimps unite?

    Quote Originally Posted by John Petrizzo View Post
    Great to see you on here, Sarah! It is also good to see you will be lifting with Wolf. I am looking forward to following your progress.
    Thanks John.
    You know I appreciate all the help and eyes you and Nick have given me in addition to Rori. A fantastic trifecta!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gillian Mounsey View Post
    Welcome Sarah! So excited that you started a log here. I'll be following along.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Thanks Gillian!
    You definitely have been an inspiration in trying to get back into it from being hurt.

    Quote Originally Posted by scteacher View Post
    Yeah! You did it. :-) Glad to see your log here.
    It just takes me a long time, Leah. Haha.
    p.s. I seem to be still alive on 37-56g of fat. Amazing.

    Quote Originally Posted by lwoodroff View Post
    following along!
    Thanks lwoodroff!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Niki Sims View Post
    I do worry about you training with the most injured man in the northern hemisphere...
    Wait, Sarah, are you already ditching me to train with this guy??

    Don't worry Niki, I'm like Jesus. I get injured for your sins. So everyone else can PR. Basically, Sarah, you should expect to squat 315 and deadlift 365 really soon.

    Seriously though, it was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to this. Great job staying tight on your paused squats, and PR-ing your volume bench!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Horndean, UK


    starting strength coach development program
    He "tripped over a potato"?!

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