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Thread: Deadlift form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Default Deadlift form check

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi Rip

    Beginning of this year i was deadlifting 178kg for 5 reps. I always felt like my DL technique was really good, i never even came close to having back problems.

    Then i got sick (not bad, bit of a virus), and lost a lot of strength. Around march i got back to around 160kg for 5 reps, and gradually increased the weight, but i kept feeling my lower back bend slightly, the technique never felt right afterwards. I got to 165kg for 5 reps, felt some pain while lifting, not terrible. Then 2 days later i bent over to tie my shoes and had shocking pain and couldnt move. Went to chiropractor, somthing about a disc, i just kept training through it and its been hurting me ever since.

    This weight in the video is only 143 kg. Ive been lifting this kinda weight for past couple of weeks. I keep having the same problem, the next day it hurts to walk/get up out of chair.

    Please help...what am i doing wrong? SS made my lower back really strong, but its felt weak/tender/dodgy ever since i got sick in January. Its starting to feel debilitating.

    23 May 2022 - YouTube

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Your low back never gets into extension. I'd like to see a pulling video from before you get sick for comparison.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Sorry about the quality, I only have these two, both from May 2021:

    - 5 reps at 170kg:
    24 May 2022 - YouTube

    3 reps at 172kg...i stopped after 3 reps and didnt wear a belt cos I was struggling with a cracked rib at the time:
    24 May 2022 - YouTube

    I have no idea if its good/better technique in either of these videos? What i can point out though is that they were both with steel plates, and the video from yesterday is with bumpers (i dont have steel plates at the moment). I was also using a cheap 4 inch velcro belt in the first video, and in the video from yesterday im using a 3 inch single ply starting strength belt.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Your low back has never been set into extension (this year or last year). Try bringing your heels closer together and point your toes and knees out more. To set your low back in extension think about pushing your belly between your thighs (without letting your hips drop). Try to make your low back look like a horse saddle.

    Also, control your descent and set the bar down over your midfoot. The bar is getting over your toes and you are rolling it behind your midfoot for the next rep.

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