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Thread: Knee pain!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Knee pain!!

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    Lately (maybe the past month or two) i have developed a pain in my knee. When i move into the squat position i feel a strain and as i go deeper it then turns into a sharper pain. The severity varies - sometimes it's pretty bad, and other times its sorta fine. It's been becoming worse recently and i really don't want this to be a long lasting injury and have no idea why. It feels like it's superior (above) my patella and slightly on the patella but mainly above. My self diagnosis is tendinitis of the quadriceps tendon but i have no idea why. I posted squat vids so you can see whether i have any form issues causing the pain. The funny thing is when i go to actually squat it doesn't hurt. But yeah later that day, or on off days it gets pretty bad. I really don't want to get old and have fucked up knees so i want to know how to fix this early before it screws me over.

    Sorry for the long post but i really hope some1 can help me out with this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009


    At least it's not as bad as thinking about sawing your knees off yet.

    In your videos it seems like your knees still come forward after your leg bends below 90 degrees. Suggest to try to move them forward very near the top, and then sit into it.

    Squats are sneaky. I heartily suggest you let yourself stall and don't try to make progress until you have form that fixes the problem. And eat enough sammiches.

    Edit: Probably much more impactful is how the knee moves back when you're coming out of the hole, like a leg press (the vid from 11-8 actually looks better). Fixate on that.

    Also: To be super paranoid check it with a foot facing a mirror. Shin should be vertical to the floor, giving an even load on each side of the knee.
    Last edited by BryanM; 11-16-2009 at 03:16 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I have been experiencing the same thing with my knees and actually had tendonitis diagnosed by my doctor. What you describe sounds exactly like what I have dealt with.

    One thing a number of people said to me was to stop running. I don't know what you're doing for cardio if anything but if you are doing any running, I would suggest trying to find an alternative for a while at least.

    Part and parcel of that is my being overweight and doing distance running to eventually run a 5K in May.

    As far as treatment goes, ice seems to help some. Knee straps help as well.

    Last Wednesday I tweaked one of them in the bottom of a squat and had to shut it down. I didn't squat on Friday and hadn't really intended to this morning but it felt good enough and I did it, and had one of my better squat workouts in a long time, my highest work set weight ever.

    The knee is a little sore at the moment but it should be fine by Wed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Hmm because yeah the funny thing is that my knees don't hurt during squatting or anything. It usually hurts the day after. To me its a clear sign of some inflammatory probelm (gets better with use, but stiff and sore after not moving it). Do knee wraps really help? i've never used one before.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I believe Rip covers the knee straps in Starting Strength but I don't have the book in front of me.

    Yeah, that pretty much describes it most of the time. I just got to a point with enough inflammation that it bled over into when I was working out as well and then I tweaked it.

    Like I said, so far, so good today having worked out early this morning. I'm not running right now (again) so that may be helping.

    I'm certainly no expert, all I can really say is 'yeah, it hurts and it sucks'. You are in that no man's land between 'Do I man up and work through it?' or 'Do I not be stupid and treat the injury properly before I do more serious damage?'

    I might look back in 2 weeks and think "damn, if only I had laid off a few days/a week, I would be kicking ass right now' I don't know.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I know. The thing is i don't want to end up needing like total knee replacements when i'm in my 20s because i fked up the cartilage in my knee jts and stuff. Hell that would be shit. But yeah ice does work, but it temporarily soothes it and it seems to come back once i lay off the ice. And to your question before about if i do cardio, i don't. But i do stand around a lot of the time so yeah

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    When in doubt, go to the doctors and get a MRI. There is only so much that you can diagnose and treat on your own.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    It sounds like quadriceps tendinitis to me too. Usually when I get my quad tendons sore it's from front squats where I'm too far forward or from some lift with a dip and drive where I let myself get on my toes...push press or jerks or hang cleans. Are you doing any hang cleans as part of your power clean warmup? Or it could very well be the problems Bryan spotted in your squat.

    The thing about tendinitis is that once you have it it doesn't go away immediately when you fix your form problem...instead over the next week or few weeks it gradually gets better until one day you realize you haven't felt it in a while. The trick is to find the path where it's gradually getting better instead of gradually worse, and that path may have some ups and downs in it.

    I wouldn't worry about total knee replacements in your 20's. The people who need those young always mess themselves up in some sport that sees a lot of twisting knee injuries, like soccer, football, skiing or motocross.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Hey confuzzl3don3, one other thing to check is your foot position. I had a similiar problem for a month or so. I couldn't figure out what was going on, but I would have knee pain after every session. I took some videos and no one could see any obvious issues. I just noticed last week that my feet were not at 30 degrees. They were a bit less. The past two workouts, I've fixed my foot position and the knee pain is gone.

    Just something to check.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Yeah that twisting effect hella sucks.

    The problem could also just be he goes slack occasionally while going down, from the weight being a little too damn heavy and squishing him. It's likely two or three issues combined.

    From that post you made the other day about being tired... You gots to eat more dude. 3 or 4 more sammiches a day at the least. You'll be amazed at how much more power you'll feel like you have.

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